sketch-specific data-augmentation
This repository contains the code for the implementation of sketch-specific data augmentation strategies proposed in the paper: "Sketch Me That Shoe" (stroke removal, stroke deformation) and "Sketch-a-Net: A Deep Neural Network that Beats Humans" (sketch deformation)
And if you use the code for your research, please cite our paper:
title={Sketch me that shoe},
author={Yu, Qian and Liu, Feng and Song, Yi-Zhe and Xiang, Tao and Hospedales, Timothy M and Loy, Chen Change},
booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016 IEEE Conference on},
title={Sketch-a-net: A deep neural network that beats humans},
author={Yu, Qian and Yang, Yongxin and Liu, Feng and Song, Yi-Zhe and Xiang, Tao and Hospedales, Timothy M},
journal={International Journal of Computer Vision},
###Stroke removal
script file: deformation_script.m
main function: stroke_deformation.m
###Sketch deformation
script file: removal_script.m
main function: stroke_removal.m
###Run the code
Create the folder 'def_local', 'def_local_global' and 'rm' to save the generated sketches.
to generate new sketches with deformation (both stroke-level and sketch-level), and runremoval_script.m
to get sketches with stroke removel.
###Extra comment
'altmany-export_fig-e1b8666' is the toolbox used to export PNG files. The output images with sketch deformation is a little bit of different with our previous implementations (position shifts a bit and the stroke is thicker than before). This is caused by the updated version of the toolbox.
'MLS'( is used for sketch/stroke deformation.
In the folder 'svg', there are several example sketches used as the source sketches. They are all from TU-Berlin dataset(
Due to the export operation, the function of sketch deformation works slowly.