


<img width=95% src=".media/ydf-packages.png" alt="ydf-packages">

My working environment declared in a simple directory structure


My YDF Packages Directory


You need a ydf packages interpreter, you can get it from: https://github.com/yunielrc/ydf


Clone the repository

cd && git clone https://github.com/yunielrc/.ydf-packages


Cd to the repository

cd ~/.ydf-packages

Open the repository in your preferred code editor

code .

Copy the envsubst.env from the sample and edit it if you need

cp envsubst.env.sample envsubst.env

Modify the the packages to fit your needs

Create your packages selection files

touch manjaro-work-pc.pkgs
touch ubuntu-gaming-pc.pkgs

Add packages to your packages selection files, one per line, you can add comments using # at the beginning of the line.

Save the packages directory on your own git repository


Install one package

ydf package install <package-name>

Install some packages

ydf package install <package-name1> <package-name2> ...

Install packages from a packages selection file

ydf package install <selection>.pkgs