QGFN: Controllable Greediness with Action Values
Table of Contents
This repository contains the code to run the experiments and visualize the results highlighted in the paper QGFN: Controllable Greediness with Action Values.
Our codebase builds on top of a fork of the public recursion gflownet repo which provides the environment setup to run the gflownet framework on graph domains. Our main edits to the forked repo are found in the following files
- src/gflownet/algo/ handles the logit mixing between the gflownet policy with the learned Q value estimates. Here are permalinks to the implementations of the 3 flavours of qgfn mixing:
- src/gflownet/data/ constructs batches of data for training, handles rewards, and logs summary statistics about the sampled trajectories
- src/gflownet/tasks/ is a directory that contains the runnable trainer files for the various tasks on which we validate our method
To setup the project, run the following commands to install the required base packages:
Then, install the gflownet package from local source:
pip install --no-index torch-scatter -f
pip install --no-index torch-sparse -f
pip install --no-index torch-cluster -f
pip install -e . --find-links
# It may take a while to build wheels for `torch-cluster`, `torch-scatter` & `torch-sparse
or follow the guideline from the public recursion gflownet repo
How to run
After setting up the virtual environment, you can test out QGFN by running python
. has three flags, indicating the three variants of QGFN. Setting one of them to true will run one of the variants.
- p_greedy_sample
- p_of_max_sample
- p_quantile_sample
The current project supports training a mixture policy from scratch and visualizing the results of one or multiple runs in the same plots.
Training from scratch
Our setup is made to support jobs running with the Slurm workload manager. To train a mixture policy from scratch, you must first edit the utils/
file to customize the Slurm executable script to your GPU environment. Next, to generate the executables for a given job, simply edit the hyperparameters in the main function of
and run the file from the project root directory:
First, select the [task] on which you'd like to train the network.
Next, set the hyperparameters in the
file. The main hyperparameters of interest are as follows:
BASE_HPS: Config = {
"log_dir": '',
"num_training_steps": 10000,
"cond": {
"temperature": {
"sample_dist": "constant",
"dist_params": 32.0, # Set reward exponent beta
"algo": {
"p_greedy_sample": True, # Set to true to run p-greedy sampling
"p_of_max_sample": False, # Set to true to run p-of-max sampling
"p_quantile_sample": False, # Set to true to run p-quantile sampling
"p": 0.6, # Set value of `p` to control greediness
"dqn_n_step": 30, # Set n-step returns for Q learning
"task": {
"qm9": {
"h5_path": "", # Set path to qm9 dataset
"model_path": "" # Set path to mxmnet proxy model for qm9 task reward
"bitseq": {
"variant": "prepend-append", # Set variant of bit sequence generation mode as `prepend-append` or `autoregressive`
"modes_path": "", # Set path to the pre-determined set of modes for the task
Finally, you may set a list of hyperparameters in the main()
method of
for grid search. To generate the runs, simply run the file:
For every hyperparameter combination you specified, this will generate a corresponding run folder at jobs/<current_date>/<run_id-current_time>
. This folder will contain the following files:
: the Slurm executable script for the
: the main executable script for the jobhowto.txt
: a text file containing the command to submit the job to slurmconfig.json
: a json file containing the hyperparameters for the jobrun_object.json
: a json file containing the class instance of the run object, which can be used to re-instantiate the run object for downstream analysis and plotting
To submit the job to slurm, simply run the command specified in howto.txt
from the run config directory. For example, if the command is sbatch --array=0-4 config
, then run the following:
cd jobs/<current_date>/<run_id-current_time>
sbatch --array=0-4 config
Plotting results
This repository also supports a variety of plotting functions to visualize and compare the results across multiple runs. The main plotting script is
and we currently support the following plot types:
: plots the average reward per episode over the number of sampled trajectories during trainingNUMBER_OF_MODES
: plots the number of unique modes above a certain reward threshold found by the mixture policy over the course of trainingTOP_K_REWARD
: plots the average reward for the top k trajectories in the run with highest overall rewardTOP_K_SIMILARITY
: plots the tanimoto similarity (or other similarity measure) between the top k trajectories in the run with highest overall rewardNUMBER_OF_MODES_AT_K
: plots the number of modes at thek
th or lastk
trajectory(ies) in the runAVERAGE_REWARD_AT_K
: plots the average reward at thek
th or lastk
trajectory(ies) in the run
To produce a given plot, you need to provide the path to the config folders (read above) of the runs you want to compare in the runs
list in the main function of
, along with a name and color for each run. For example, if you want to compare the results of two runs with paths jobs/2023-11-19/001-01-54-02
and jobs/2023-12-09/002-23-23-29
, you could write:
runs = [
'path': 'jobs/2023-11-19/001-01-54-02',
'name': 'run1',
'color': 'blue'
'path': 'jobs/2023-12-09/002-23-23-29',
'name': 'run2',
'color': 'red'
Then, you need to specify the plot type you want to produce in the plot_type
variable. Available plot types are specified in the PlotType
enum in utils/
. For example, if you want to produce an average reward plot, you would write:
plot_type = PlotType.NUMBER_OF_MODES
Finally, you can override the default plot parameters in the plot_params
dictionary. For example, if you want to change the title of the plot, you could write:
plot_params = {
# Add your custom parameters here.
'title': 'My custom title'
The full specification of modifiable parameters for each plot type can be found in the DEFAULT_UNIQUE_PARAMS
dictionaries in
Once you have specified the runs, plot type, and plot parameters, you must run the script from the project root directory, and your plot will be saved in the results
folder under a unique identifier based on the current date and plot type.
Plotting for other task environments
The above script generation and plotting code has been written to support the standard molecules environment in the gflownet
package. However, the plotting code can be easily adapted to support other environments by inhering from the PlottableRunObject
class in utils/
. This class defines the interface for a run object that can be plotted, and characterizes a few simple methods to extract the relevant data from the runs into a universal format, which is then provided to the downstream PlotConfig
class for standard plotting. The methods that need to be implemented are:
def load_raw_data(self, sqlite_cols: List[str]):
Loads the raw run data from the runs. Please override this method
in your child class depending on your data format. This implementation supports
the molecules environment which reads data from a sqlite database using the
specified columns.
def get_average_reward(self, save_df: bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Returns a pandas dataframe with the average reward for each worker at each step"""
def is_new_mode(obj, modes, sim_threshold=0.7) -> bool:
"""Returns True if obj is a new mode, False otherwise"""
def get_modes(self, min_reward: float=0.9, sim_threshold: float=0.7, save_df: bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Returns a pandas dataframe with the number of modes with reward > min_reward and
similarity > sim_threshold for each worker at each step"""
def get_top_k_reward(self):
"""Returns a pandas dataframe with the top k reward for each worker at each step"""
def get_top_k_similarity(self):
def get_reward_distribution(self):
- Included
Configuration File: We have added ahps.yaml
file to streamline the process of replicating our results. You can find this file in theconfig
directory. This file contains all the hyperparameters used in our experiments, ensuring that you can easily replicate the training conditions and results.