


This package contains the source code which is associated with the following paper:

Yu Liu, Haihang Li, Juan Cheng, and Xun Chen, "MSCAF-Net: A General Framework for Camouflaged Object Detection via Learning Multi-Scale Context-Aware Features,“ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2023. Edited by Haihang Li and Yu Liu.

Usage of this code is free for research purposes only. Thank you.


Test: Test.py; Train: Train.py


The detection results of our method can be downloaded at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LfSZRAhMt2Y118u4jiY_sohaqIbY9KZI/view?usp=sharing (COD results) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JmTnA8fKSpqtkARZEdkPHMRnqdO8sHQx/view?usp=sharing (Polyp results)


Contact: Don't hesitate to contact me if you meet any problems when using this code.

Yu Liu Department of Biomedical Engineering Hefei University of Technology
Email: yuliu@hfut.edu.cn; lyuxxz@163.com Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/yuliu316316; https://github.com/yuliu316316

Last update: 14-Feb-2023