

An Empirical Evaluation of Temporal Graph Benchmark


The DyGLib_TGB repository is developed upon Dynamic Graph Library (DyGLib) and Temporal Graph Benchmark (TGB). We extend DyGLib to TGB, which additionally includes several popular dynamic graph learning methods for more exhaustive comparisons. Details of DyGLib_TGB is available here. Feedback from the community is highly welcomed for further improvements of this repository.

Dynamic Graph Learning Models

Eleven dynamic graph learning methods are included in DyGLib_TGB, including JODIE, DyRep, TGAT, TGN, CAWN, EdgeBank, TCL, GraphMixer, DyGFormer, Persistent Forecast, and Moving Average.

Evaluation Tasks

DyGLib_TGB supports both dynamic link property prediction and dynamic node property prediction tasks on TGB.


PyTorch 2.0.1, py-tgb, numpy, and tqdm.

Executing Scripts

Scripts for Dynamic Link Property Prediction

Dynamic link property prediction could be performed on five datasets, including tgbl-wiki, tgbl-review, tgbl-coin, tgbl-comment, and tgbl-flight.

Model Training

python train_link_prediction.py --dataset_name tgbl-wiki --model_name DyGFormer --patch_size 1 --max_input_sequence_length 32 --num_runs 5 --gpu 0
python train_link_prediction.py --dataset_name tgbl-wiki --model_name DyGFormer --load_best_configs --num_runs 5 --gpu 0

Model Evaluation

python evaluate_link_prediction.py --dataset_name tgbl-wiki --model_name DyGFormer --patch_size 1 --max_input_sequence_length 32 --num_runs 5 --gpu 0
python evaluate_link_prediction.py --dataset_name tgbl-wiki --model_name DyGFormer --load_best_configs --num_runs 5 --gpu 0

Scripts for Dynamic Node Property Prediction

Dynamic node property prediction could be performed on three datasets, including tgbn-trade, tgbn-genre, and tgbn-reddit. Note that if you train or evaluate on a dynamic node property prediction dataset for the first time, the data pre-processing will take a while. However, this is a one-time process.

Model Training

python train_node_classification.py --dataset_name tgbn-trade --model_name DyGFormer --patch_size 1 --max_input_sequence_length 32 --num_runs 5 --gpu 0
python train_node_classification.py --dataset_name tgbn-trade --model_name DyGFormer --load_best_configs --num_runs 5 --gpu 0

Model Evaluation

python evaluate_node_classification.py --dataset_name tgbn-trade --model_name DyGFormer --patch_size 1 --max_input_sequence_length 32 --num_runs 5 --gpu 0
python evaluate_node_classification.py --dataset_name tgbn-trade --model_name DyGFormer --load_best_configs --num_runs 5 --gpu 0


Please consider citing the following related references when using this project.

  title={An Empirical Evaluation of Temporal Graph Benchmark},
  author={Yu, Le},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.12510},
  title={Towards Better Dynamic Graph Learning: New Architecture and Unified Library},
  author={Yu, Le and Sun, Leilei and Du, Bowen and Lv, Weifeng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.13047},
  title={Temporal Graph Benchmark for Machine Learning on Temporal Graphs},
  author={Huang, Shenyang and Poursafaei, Farimah and Danovitch, Jacob and Fey, Matthias and Hu, Weihua and Rossi, Emanuele and Leskovec, Jure and Bronstein, Michael and Rabusseau, Guillaume and Rabbany, Reihaneh},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01026},