

pygco: a python wrapper for the graph cuts package gco-v3.0

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This is a python wrapper for [gco-v3.0 package] (http://vision.csd.uwo.ca/code/), which implements a graph cuts based move-making algorithm for optimization in Markov Random Fields.

It contains a copy of the gco-v3.0 package. Some of the design were borrowed from the [gco_python] (https://github.com/amueller/gco_python) package. However, compared to gco_python:

This wrapper is composed of two parts, a C wrapper and a python wrapper.

Building wrapper

  1. download the last version of [gco-v3.0] (http://vision.csd.uwo.ca/code/gco-v3.0.zip) to the gco_source
  2. compile gco-v3.0 and the C wrapper using make
  3. compile test_wrapper using make test_wrapper
  4. run the C test code ./test_wrapper (now you have the C wrapper ready)
make download
make all
make test_wrapper

The successful run should return:

labels = [ 0 2 2 1 ], energy=19
data energy=15, smooth energy=4

Next test the python wrapper using python test.py, if it works fine you are ready to use pygco.

To include pygco in your code, simply import pygco module. See the documentation inside code for more details.

Show test results

Visualisation of the unary terns for 3 labels segmentation

unary terms

with the initial labeling (left) and estimated labeling (right)

unary terms