


Awesome Deep Group Recommendation is a collection of SOTA, novel deep group recommendation methods (papers, codes, and datasets). Any other interesting papers and codes are welcome. Any problems, please contact yueliu19990731@163.com. If you find this repository useful to your research or work, it is really appreciated to star this repository. :sparkles:


Model-based Group Recommendation

Deep Group Recommendation

2024Cold-start Bundle Recommendation via Popularity-based Coalescence and Curriculum HeatingWWWLinkLink
2024Revisiting Bundle Recommendation for Intent-aware Product BundlingACM TOISLinkLink
2024MultiCBR: Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Bundle Recommendation (MultiCBR)ACM TOISLinkLink
2024GroupMO: A Memory-augmented Meta-optimized Model for Group Recommendation (GroupMO)WWWLink-
2024Group Task Recommendation in Mobile Crowdsensing: An Attention-Based Neural Collaborative ApproachIEEE T-MCLink-
2023Bundle Recommendation and Generation With Graph Neural NetworksIEEE T-KDELinkLink
2023Hyperbolic Mutual Learning for Bundle RecommendationDASFAALink-
2023Dual-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Bundle Recommendation (DSCBR)IEEE T-CSSLink-
2023Auto Graph Filtering for Bundle RecommendationICDMLinkLink
2023Data-Augmented Counterfactual Learning for Bundle RecommendationDASFAALink-
2023Hypergrah-Enhanced Dual Convolutional Network for Bundle RecommendationarXivLink-
2023Group-Aware Interest Disentangled Dual-Training for Personalized Recommendation (IGRec)arXivLinkLink
2023PEGA: Personality-Guided Preference Aggregator for Ephemeral Group Recommendation (PEGA)arXivLink-
2023Dependency Relationships-Enhanced Attentive Group Recommendation in HINs (DREAGR)arXivLink-
2023Multi-view Graph Convolution for Participant Recommendation (MVPRec)arXivLinkLink
2023Overcoming Data Sparsity in Group Recommendation (CAGR)IEEE <br/>T-KDELink-
2023Group Buying Recommendation Model Based on Multi-task Learning (MGBR)ICDELinkLink
2023Improving Group Recommendations using Personality, Dynamic Clustering and Multi-Agent MicroServicesRecSysLink-
2023Constrained Social Community Recommendation (ComRec)SIGKDDLink-
2023Self-Supervised Group Graph Collaborative Filtering for Group Recommendation (SGGCF)WSDMLinkLink
2023Ranking-based Group Identification via Factorized Attention on Social Tripartite Graph (CFAG)WSDMLinkLink
2023LINet: A Location and Intention-Aware Neural Network for Hotel Group Recommendation (LINet)WWWLink-
2023ConsRec: Learning Consensus Behind Interactions for Group Recommendation (ConsRec)WWWLinkLink
2023Beyond Individuals: Modeling Mutual and Multiple Interactions for Inductive Link Prediction between Groups (MMAN)WWWLink-
2023Group Identification via Transitional Hypergraph Convolution with Cross-view Self-supervised Learning (GTGS)CIKMLink-
2023Multi-Granularity Attention Model for Group Recommendation (MGAM)CIKMLink-
2023Federated News Recommendation with Fine-grained Interpolation and Dynamic Clustering (FINDING)CIKMLink-
2023Dual Intents Graph Modeling for User-centric Group Discovery (DiRec)CIKMLinkLink
2023SQUIRREL: A framework for sequential group recommendations through reinforcement learning (SQUIRREL)Information SystemsLink-
2023Member-Augmented Group Recommendation With Multi-Interest Framework and Knowledge Graph EmbeddingsIEEE T-CSSLink-
2023CHARM: A Group Recommender ChatBot (CHARM)UMAPLink-
2022Thinking inside The Box: Learning Hypercube Representations for Group Recommendation (CubeRec)SIGIRLinkLink
2022Task-optimized User Clustering based on Mobile App Usage for Cold-start Recommendations (DAUC)SIGKDDLink-
2022CrossCBR: Cross-view Contrastive Learning for Bundle Recommendation (CrossCBR)SIGKDDLinkLink
2022Exploiting Group Information for Personalized Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks (GGRM)ACM TOISLink-
2022Interaction-aware Drug Package Recommendation via Policy Gradient (DPG)ACM TOISLink-
2022Enumerating Fair Packages for Group Recommendations (FAPE)WSDMLinkLink
2022GBERT: Pre-training User representations for Ephemeral Group Recommendation (GBERT)CIKMLink-
2022Multi-View Intent Disentangle Graph Networks for Bundle Recommendation (MIDGN)AAAILinkLink
2022BRUCE: Bundle Recommendation Using Contextualized item Embeddings (BRUCE)RecSysLink-
2021Social-Enhanced Attentive Group Recommendation (SoAGREE)IEEE <br/>T-KDELinkLink
2021Hierarchical Hyperedge Embedding-based Representation Learning for Group Recommendation (HyperGroup)ACM <br/>TOISLinkLink
2021Hypergraph Convolutional Network for Group Recommendation (HCR)ICDMLinkLink
2021DeepGroup: Representation Learning for Group Recommendation with Implicit Feedback(DeepGroup)CIKMLinkLink
2021Double-Scale Self-Supervised Hypergraph Learning for Group Recommendation (HHGR)CIKMLinkLink
2021Knowledge-Aware Group Representation Learning for Group Recommendation (KGAG)ICDELink-
2021Group-Buying Recommendation for Social E-Commerce (GBGCN)ICDELinkLink
2021Drug Package Recommendation via Interaction-aware Graph Induction (DPR)WWWLink-
2020GroupIM: A Mutual Information Maximization Framework for Neural Group Recommendation (GroupIM)SIGIRLinkLink
2020GAME: Learning Graphical and Attentive Multi-view Embeddings for Occasional Group Recommendation (GAME)SIGIRLink-
2020Bundle Recommendation with Graph Convolutional Networks (BGCN)SIGIRLinkLink
2020Hierarchical Fashion Graph Network for Personalized Outfit Recommendation (HFGN)SIGIRLinkLink
2020Personalized Bundle Recommendation in Online Games (BundleNet)CIKMLink-
2020Group Recommendation with Latent Voting Mechanism (GroupSA)ICDELink-
2020An Efficient Group Recommendation Model With Multiattention-Based Neural Networks (MAGRM)IEEE T-NNLSLink-
2020Socially-driven multi-interaction attentive group representation learning for group recommendation (SGAGR)Pattern Recognition LettersLink-
2020Context-Aware Restaurant Recommendation for Group of PeopleSERVICESLink-
2019Matching User with Item Set: Collaborative Bundle Recommendation with Deep Attention NetworkIJCAILinkLink
2019Interact and Decide: Medley of Sub-Attention Networks for Effective Group Recommendation (MoSAN)SIGIRLink-
2019Social Influence-Based Group Representation Learning for Group Recommendation (SIGR)ICDELink-
2019GRADI: Towards group recommendation using attentive dual top-down and bottom-up influences (GRADI)ICBDLink-
2019Group Recommendation via Self-Attention and Collaborative Metric Learning Model (SACML)IEEE AccessLink-
2018Attentive Group Recommendation (AGREE)SIGIRLinkLink
2018Dynamic Connection-Based Social Group RecommendationIEEE T-KDELink-
2018An enhanced aggregation method considering deviations for a group recommendation (UL)Expert Systems with ApplicationsLink-
2018Context-Aware Group Recommendation for Point-of-InterestsIEEE AccessLink-
2018An observational user study for group recommender systems in the tourism domainInformation Technology & TourismLink-
2018How to Use Social Relationships in Group Recommenders: Empirical EvidenceUMAPLink-
2017Fairness-Aware Group Recommendation with Pareto-EfficiencyRecSysLink-
2016Recommending New Items to Ephemeral Groups Using Contextual User InfluenceRecSysLink-
2014Deep Modeling of Group Preferences for Group-Based Recommendation (DLGR)AAAILink-

Traditional Model

2023Probabilistic Majority Rule-Based Group RecommendationICDELink-
2014Probabilistic Group Recommendation Model for Crowdfunding Domains (CrowdRec)WSDMLinkLink
2014COM: a Generative Model for Group Recommendation (COM)SIGKDDLink-
2012Exploring personal impact for group recommendation (PIT)CIKMLink-

Memory-based Group Recommendation

Preference Aggregation Group Recommendation

2012CoFeel: Using Emotions for Social Interaction in Group Recommender SystemsRecSysLink-
2010Enhancing Group Recommendation by Incorporating Social Relationship InteractionsGROUPLink-
2010Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Product Rating with Partial InformationTKDDLink-
2009Preference Aggregation in Group Recommender Systems for Committee Decision-MakingRecSysLink-
2008A group recommendation system with consideration of interactions among group membersExpert System ApplicationLink-
2006TV Program Recommendation for Multiple Viewers Based on user Profile MergingUMUAILink-
2005Adaptive Radio: Achieving Consensus Using Negative PreferencesGROUPLink-
2004More Than the Sum of Its Members: Challenges for Group Recommender SystemsAVILink-
1998MusicFX: An Arbiter of Group Preferences for Computer Supported Collaborative WorkoutsCSCWLink-

Score Aggregation Group Recommendation

2015ART: group recommendation approaches for automatically detected groupsIJMLCLink-
2010Group Recommendations with Rank Aggregation and Collaborative FilteringRecSysLink-
2010Group-Based Recipe Recommendations: Analysis of Data Aggregation StrategiesRecSysLink-
2010State-of-the-Art in Group Recommendation and New Approaches for Automatic Identification of Groups. Inform.RMDELink-
2009Group Recommendation: Semantics and EfficiencyVLDBLink-
2007Recommendation to GroupsTAWLink-
2005Group Modeling in a Public Space: Methods, Techniques, ExperiencesWSEASLink-
2002Flytrap: Intelligent Group Music RecommendationIUILink-
2001PolyLens: A Recommender System for Groups of UsersECSCWLink-


Name#Users#Items#Groups#U-I#G-I#U-GUsed Methods
Mafengwo5,2751,51399539,7613,595NAConsRec, IGRec
Mafengwo1,2699999728,6762,5405,574DiRec, CFAG
Weeplaces1,5016,4064,65143,9426,03312,258DiRec, CFAG
Steam11,0992,3511,085444,77622,31857,654DiRec, CFAG