


Full-spectrum copy number variation detection by high-throughput DNA sequencing


Yuchao Jiang, Nancy R. Zhang


Yuchao Jiang yuchaoj@email.unc.edu


High-throughput DNA sequencing enables detection of copy number variations (CNVs) on the genome-wide scale with finer resolution compared to array-based methods, but suffers from biases and artifacts that lead to false discoveries and low sensitivity. We describe CODEX2, a statistical framework for full-spectrum CNV profiling that is sensitive for variants with both common and rare population frequencies and that is applicable to study designs with and without negative control samples. We demonstrate and evaluate CODEX2 on whole-exome and targeted sequencing data, where biases are the most prominent. CODEX2 outperforms existing methods and, in particular, significantly improves sensitivity for common CNVs.


if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))



If you have questions or encounter problems when using CODEX2, you can: (1) report directly here using the Issues tab by GitHub; (2) post in our Google user group https://groups.google.com/d/forum/codex2; (3) email us at codex2@googlegroups.com.


Yuchao Jiang, Runjin Wang, Eugene Urrutia, Ioannis N. Anastopoulos, Katherine L. Nathanson, Nancy R. Zhang, 2018. CODEX2: full-spectrum copy number variation detection by high-throughput DNA sequencing. Genome Biology, 19 (1), 202, 2018. (link).

Running CODEX2

The figure below illustrates the two experimental designs for which CODEX2 can be applied: (i) case-control design with a group of negative control samples, where the goal is to detect CNVs disproportionately present in the ‘cases’ versus the ‘controls’; and (ii) detection of all CNVs present in all samples design, such as in the Exome Aggregation Consortium. The key innovation in CODEX2 is the usage of negative control genome regions in a genome-wide latent factor model for sample- and position-specific background correction, and the utilization of negative control samples, under a case-control design, to further improve background bias estimation under this model. The negative control genome regions defined by CODEX2 are regions that do not harbor common CNVs, but that are still allowed to harbor rare CNVs, and can be constructed from existing studies or learned from data.

<p align="center"> <img src='https://github.com/yuchaojiang/CODEX2/blob/master/demo/Figure1.png' width='440' height='400'> </p>

R notebook with step-by-step demonstration is available here as html.

Demo code for CODEX2 is available here as Rmd.

IMPORTANT: CODEX2 for cancer genomics

CODEX2 for targeted sequencing

We've adapted CODEX2 for targeted sequencing. Instead of normalizing and segmenting each chromosome separately, for targeted sequencing, we combine all targets across the genome to perform normalization, followed by segmentation within each gene. Refer to codes below (need to source segment_targeted.R for gene-based segmentation).

Visualization by IGV

One can load CODEX2's CNV calling results into IGV for visualization by generating a tab-delimited seg file for each sample. Below is a sample code that we use in our daily practice -- for each sample, a *.seg.txt file is generated with six columns and header 'Sample', 'Chromosome','Start','End','Num_Probes','Segment_Mean', which correspond to sample name, chromosome, CNV start bp, CNV end bp, number of exonic targets, and log ratio of raw (i.e. observed) depths of coverage versus normalized (i.e. expected) coverage (deletion has a negative log ratio, duplication has a positive log ratio, copy-neutral region has a log ratio around 0).

CODEX2 for hg38?

CODEX2 by default is for hg19 reference. It can be adapted to hg38: only the calculations of GC content and mappability need to be changed; to get coverage for exons across samples stays the same (make sure that the exonic targets in the bed file are also in hg38 coordinates). To calculte GC content in hg38, you need to download the hg38 reference from Bioconductor. Then, after loading CODEX2, load the hg38 reference package and use the correct genome argument in the getgc() function to get the corresponding GC content.

## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported

# The following object is masked from ‘package:BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19’:  Hsapiens

gc <- getgc(ref, genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)

For mappability, we download the 100mer mappability for hg19 from the ENCODE Project (link) and lifted over from hg19 to hg38 (link). The mappability for each exon/target/bin is taken as the mean mappability across all overlapped segments by ENCODE, weighted by the lengths of the segments.

Note that CODEX2 can also be adapted to the mouse genome, see below.

CODEX2 for mouse genome

CODEX2 can be applied to WES of the mouse genome. Only the calculation of GC content and mappability needs to be modified from the default (hg19). The library for the mm10 mouse genome sequencing needs to be loaded: BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.

gc <- getgc(ref, genome = BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)

Common questions