

Fast Human Pose Estimation Pytorch

This is an unoffical implemention for paper Fast Human Pose Estimation, Feng Zhang, Xiatian Zhu, Mao Ye. Most of code comes from pytorch implementation for stacked hourglass network pytorch-pose. In this repo, we followed Fast Pose Distillation approach proposed by Fast Human Pose Estimation to improve accuracy of a lightweight network. We first trained a deep teacher network (stacks=8, standard convolution, 88.33@Mpii pckh), and used it to teach a student network (stacks=2, depthwise convolution, 84.69%@Mpii pckh). Our experiment shows 0.7% gain from knowledge distillation.

I benchmarked the light student model hg_s2_b1_mobile_fpd and got 43fps on i7-8700K via OpenVino. Details can be found from Fast_Stacked_Hourglass_Network_OpenVino

Please check the offical implementation by fast-human-pose-estimation.pytorch

Update at Feb 2019


hg_s8_b1: teacher model, hg_s2_b1_mobile:student model, hg_s2_b1_mobile_kd: student model trained with FPD. hg_s2_b1_mobile_fpd_unlabeled: student model trained with FPD with extral unlabeled samples.

Modelin_resfeatrues# of WeightsHeadShoulderElbowWristHipKneeAnkleMeanGFlopsLink


  1. Create a virtualenv

    virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 pose_venv
  2. Clone the repository with submodule

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/yuanyuanli85/Fast_Human_Pose_Estimation_Pytorch.git
  3. Install all dependencies in virtualenv

    source posevenv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a symbolic link to the images directory of the MPII dataset:

    ln -s PATH_TO_MPII_IMAGES_DIR data/mpii/images
  5. Disable cudnn for batchnorm layer to solve bug in pytorch0.4.0

    sed -i "1194s/torch\.backends\.cudnn\.enabled/False/g" ./pose_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py

Quick Demo

python tools/mpii_demo.py -a hg -s 2 -b 1 --mobile True --checkpoint checkpoint/mpii_hg_s2_b1_mobile_fpd/model_best.pth.tar --in_res 256 --device cuda 

Training teacher network

python example/mpii.py -a hg --stacks 8 --blocks 1 --checkpoint checkpoint/hg_s8_b1/ 
python tools/mpii.py -a hg --stacks 8 --blocks 1 --checkpoint checkpoint/hg_s8_b1/preds_best.mat 

Training with Knowledge Distillation

python example/mpii_kd.py -a hg --stacks 2 --blocks 1 --checkpoint checkpoint/hg_s2_b1_mobile/ mobile=True --teacher_stack 8 --teacher_checkpoint 


Run evaluation to generate mat file

python example/mpii.py -a hg --stacks 2 --blocks 1 --checkpoint checkpoint/hg_s2_b1/ --resume checkpoint/hg_s2_b1/model_best.pth.tar -e

Run tools/eval_PCKh.py to get val score

Export pytorch checkpoint to onnx

python tools/mpii_export_to_onxx.py -a hg -s 2 -b 1 --num-classes 16 --mobile True --in_res 256  --checkpoint checkpoint/model_best.pth.tar 
--out_onnx checkpoint/model_best.onnx 

