

Pragmatic jQuery Style

Why jQuery Style?

Plugin Name

lowercase, avoid multiple words.

// bad

// good

Plugin Skeleton

// pluginName.js

(function (factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function') {
        define(['$'], factory);
    } else {
})(function ($) {
     'use strict';
     var pluginName = 'pluginName';
    // balabala...

There are some kinds of jQuery plugins:


The unit of indentation is four spaces.

arr.forEach(function(val, key){
....// indentation with four spaces

Variable Name


var thisIsMyVal;
var md5Encoder;
var xmlReader;
var httpServer;

Method Name


function thisIsMyFunction() {
    // balabala
// Some special cases
getMd5() instead of getMD5()
getHtml() instead of getHTML()
getJsonResponse() instead of getJSONResponse()
parseXmlContent() instead of parseXMLContent()

Why lowerCamelCase?

We know that when you write Ruby or Python, you use under_scored method names and UpperCamelCase class names. But JavaScript isn't Ruby or Python.


We not saying you must write JavaScript a certain way. Do what makes you the most comfortable, write code that is fun to write. But if you're trying to figure out what everyone else is doing, they're doing lowerCamelCase.


var LOCALHOST = "http://localhost";
var REMORT_PORT = "8080";

Class Name


var Greeter = Class.extend({
    name: null,
    _constructor: function(name) {
        this.name = name;
    greet: function() {
        alert('Good Morning ' + this.name);

Variables Declare

var a = "alpha";
var b = "beta";
var c = "chi";


var a = "alpha",
    b = "beta" // <-- note the forgotten comma
    c = "chi"; // <-- and now c is global

Leading Commas

var hero = {
    firstName: 'Bob'
  , lastName: 'Parr'
  , heroName: 'Mr. Incredible'
  , superPower: 'strength'


var hero = {
  firstName: 'Bob',
  lastName: 'Parr',
  heroName: 'Mr. Incredible', // <-- forgot remove comma, when comment the last item
  //superPower: 'strength'    

jQuery Object

Prefix jQuery object variables with a $. The dollar notation on all jQuery-related variables helps us easily distinguish jQuery variables from standard JavaScript variables at a glance.

// bad
var sidebar = $('.sidebar');
var that = $(this);

// good
var $sidebar = $('.sidebar');
var $this = $(this);

Method Chains

Use indentation when making long method chains, and avoid more than 6 methods chained. Less method chains, more friendly debugging.

// bad

// good

Determine jQuery Object

Determine if an object is a jQuery object

// bad (fast)
if( obj.jquery ){}

// good (slow)
if( obj instanceof jQuery){}

Document Ready

// bad
$(function() {
    // Handler for .ready() called.

// good
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Handler for .ready() called.

Event Bind

// bad
$( "#members li a" ).bind( "click", function( e ) {} ); 

// good
$( "#members li a" ).on( "click", function( e ) {} ); 

// good
$( "#members li a" ).click( function( e ) {} ); 

Event Live

// bad, .live() deprecated jQuery 1.7, removed jQuery 1.9
$( "#members li a" ).live( "click", function( e ) {} );

// good
$( document ).on( "click", "#members li a", function( e ) {} ); 

Event Delegate

// bad, as of jQuery 1.7, .delegate() has been superseded by the .on() method
$( "#members" ).delegate( "li a", "click", function( e ) {} );

// good
$( "#members" ).on( "click", "li a", function( e ) {} ); 

Event Prevent

// bad
    // @more: http://fuelyourcoding.com/jquery-events-stop-misusing-return-false/
    return false;

// good

// good

// good

Element Create

// bad
    id : 'someId',  
    className : 'someClass',  
    href : 'somePath.html'  

// good
$('<a/>', {  
    id : 'someId',  
    className : 'someClass',  
    href : 'somePath.html'  

Element Exists

// bad
if ($('#myElement')[0]) {  
    // balabala...

// good
if ($('#myElement').length) {  
    // balabala... 

Element Access

// bad
    var id = $(this).attr('id');

// good
    var id = this.id;

Number Compare

var a = '1';
var b = 1;

// bad
parseInt(a) === b

// good, implicit coercion
+a === b

// better, expressive conversion, and conversion over coercion
Number(a) === b

Array Traversal

var array = new Array(100);
// bad (faster)
for (var i=0,l=array.length; i<l; i++) {
    console.log(i, array[i]);    
// good (slow)
$.each (array, function (i, value) {  
    console.log(i, value);  

// better (fast), use es5-shim(https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim) for legacy JavaScript engines
array.forEach(function(value, i){
    console.log(i, value);

Async Programing

// bad
    url: "cgi/example"
    , success: function() { alert("success"); }
    , error: function() { alert("error"); }
    , complete: function() { alert("complete"); }

// good
var jqxhr = $.ajax( "cgi/example" )
    .done(function() { alert("success"); })
    .fail(function() { alert("error"); })
    .always(function() { alert("complete"); });

Type Determine

var obj = {};
var arr = [];
var reg = /test/g;
var fn = function(){};

// bad
typeof obj === 'object'
typeof arr === 'array'
typeof fn === 'function'
reg instanceof RegExp

// good 
// http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.type/
$.type(obj) === 'object'
$.type(arr) === 'array'
$.type(reg) === 'regexp'
$.type(fn) === 'function'

// better

Ajax Retry

// not bad, inspried by http://zeroedandnoughted.com/defensive-ajax-and-ajax-retries-in-jquery/
    url : 'path/to/url',
    type : 'get',
    data :  {name : 'value'},
    dataType : 'json',
    timeout : 25000,
    tryCount : 0,
    retryLimit : 3,
    success : function(json) {
        //do something
    error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
        if ($.inArray(textStatus, ['timeout', 'abort', 'error']) > -1) {
            if (this.tryCount <= this.retryLimit) {
                //try again
                return $.ajax(this);
            return alert('Oops! There was a problem, please try again later.');

// better, inspried by https://github.com/mberkom/jQuery.retryAjax
$.retryAjax = function (ajaxParams) {
	var errorCallback;
	ajaxParams.tryCount = ajaxParams.tryCount > 0 ? ajaxParams.tryCount : 0;
	ajaxParams.retryLimit = ajaxParams.retryLimit > 0 : ajaxParams.retryLimit : 2;
	// Custom flag for disabling some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request
	ajaxParams.suppressErrors = true;
	if (ajaxParams.error) {
	    errorCallback = ajaxParams.error;
	    ajaxParams.error = null;
	} else {
	    errorCallback = $.noop;
	ajaxParams.complete = function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
	    if ($.inArray(textStatus, ['timeout', 'abort', 'error']) > -1) {
	        if (this.tryCount <= this.retryLimit) {
	            // fire error handling on the last try
	            if (this.tryCount === this.retryLimit) {
	                this.error = errorCallback;
	                this.suppressErrors = null;
	            //try again
	            return true;
	        alert('Oops! There was a problem, please try again later.');
	        return true;


	url : 'path/to/url',
    type : 'get',
    data :  {name : 'value'},
    dataType : 'json',
    timeout : 25000,
    success : function(json) {
        //do something

