

<div align="center"> <h1 style="margin: auto">Discord Webhook</h1> <p>Super simple interface for sending Discord messages through webhooks using VLang.</p>




This lightweight interface allows you to quickly send messages to Discord channels via webhooks using VLang. It's perfect for automating notifications, updates, or any other kind of message you want to share on your Discord server.


Getting Started

Follow these steps to start sending Discord messages with VLang:

  1. Install VLang: If you haven't already, install VLang by following the instructions on the official website.

  2. Installation: To use discordwebhook in your V project, simply install it with:

    v install "https://github.com/ysdragon/discordwebhook"
  3. Usage: Incorporate the VLang Discord webhook sender into your project and start sending messages to your Discord channels.


Here's a quick example of how to send a message using this interface:

module main

import discordwebhook

fn main() {   
    // Replace with your Discord webhook URL
    webhook_url := "YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL"

    // Create a message with the content you want to send
    message := discordwebhook.Message{ 
        content: "Hello, Discord!",

    resp := discordwebhook.send_message(webhook_url, message) !


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's make this interface even better together.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.