

CPA: Create-Python-App

CPA Logo

cpa is a cli tool for ultra fast setup of new Python & Rust projects. It automates the creation of config files like style & lint checks, gitignore, Dockerfile, dependency mangement, etc. An opinionated set of pre-commit hooks + Github Actions CI are included for enforcing best practices & reducing dev time.

Example outputs are provided in ./example


MacOS, Linux

Install via script below or get from Releases

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ysawa0/create-python-app/main/install.sh | bash
# cpa will be installed to ~/bin/cpa
# The installer will add ~/bin to your PATH


Download latest binary from Releases

Building from source

cargo install --path .


To create a new project:

cpa create --name myproject

Optional params:


cpa create --name myproject --preset python3.10
cpa create --name myproject --preset rust

Update current working directory with CPA preset.

cpa update --name myproject --preset python3.10
cpa update --name myproject --preset rust


Contributions and Feedback

Users are welcome to contribute to the project by submitting pull requests or opening issues for bugs and feature requests. Feedback is also greatly appreciated to help improve the tool.