


AI City Challenge Workshop at CVPR 2019

This repository contains our source code of Track 1 & Track 2 of the AI City Challenge Workshop at CVPR 2019.

The track 1 code is developed in Python and Keras.

The track 2 code is developed in Python and Pytorch.

For more information, please visit the ./AICity-track1-MTMC and ./AICity-track2-Re-id.


Please cite this paper in your publications if it helps your research:

    author = {{Ming-Ching Chang and Jiayi Wei and Zheng-An Zhu and Yan-Ming Chen and Chan-Shuo Hu and Ming-Xiu Jiang and Chen-Kuo Chiang},
    title = "{{AI} {C}ity {C}hallenge 2019 -- {C}ity-Scale Video Analytics for Smart Transportation}",
    year = 2019,