Code for one-stage adaptive set-based HOI detector AS-Net.
Mingfei Chen*, Yue Liao*, Si Liu, Zhiyuan Chen, Fei Wang, Chen Qian. "Reformulating HOI Detection as Adaptive Set Prediction." Accepted to CVPR 2021.
- python >= 3.6
Install the dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Data preparation
- We first download the HICO-DET dataset.
- The data should be prepared in the following structure:
|——— images
| └——————train
| | └——————anno.json
| | └——————XXX1.jpg
| | └——————XXX2.jpg
| └——————test
| └——————anno.json
| └——————XXX1.jpg
| └——————XXX2.jpg
└——— test_hico.json
└——— trainval_hico.json
└——— rel_np.npy
- We transformed the original annotation files of HICO-DET to a *.json format, like data/hico/images/train_anno.json and ata/hico/images/test_hico.json.
- test_hico.json, trainval_hico.json and rel_np.npy are used in the evaluation on HICO-DET. We provided these three files in our data/hico directory.
- data/hico/train_anno.json and data/hico/images/train/anno.json are the same file.
cp data/hico/train_anno.json data/hico/images/train/anno.json
- data/hico/test_hico.json and data/hico/images/test/anno.json are the same file.
cp data/hico/test_hico.json data/hico/images/test/anno.json
To evaluate our model on HICO-DET:
python3 tools/ --cfg configs/hico.yaml MODEL.RESUME_PATH [checkpoint_path]
- The checkpoint is saved on HICO-DET with torch==1.4.0.
- Checkpoint path: ASNet_hico_res50.pth .
- Currently support evaluation on single GPU.
To train our model on HICO-DET:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/ --cfg configs/hico.yaml MODEL.RESUME_PATH [pretrained path]
- The pretrained model of DETR detector detr-r50-e632da11.pth .
- Other pretrained models of DETR detector can be downloaded from detr-github .
- Download the pretrain model to the [pretrained path].