

npm version 0.1.1 Bower version 0.1.1


Greenkeeper badge

A plugin for effeciently and semantically truncating text.

This project is now called shave and is supported here. ~Thanks


npm i truncated.js --save-dev


bower i truncated.js --save-dev


  1. Add dist/truncated.js.
  2. truncate text within the element you'd like to.
truncated('selector', maxHeight);🔥

Basic Examples


truncated('selector', maxHeight);

Or Multiples

truncated('selector', maxHeight);

But not this one

truncated('selector:not([not this selector])', maxHeight);

With a special symbol

truncated('selector', maxHeight, {character:'🍻'});

With a special CSS Class

truncated('selector', maxHeight, {character:'🙌', classname:'your-css-class'});

Or with jQuery



Truncated.js trims an element's text string to the last full word that can fit within a specified max height.


Truncated.js is made for simpicity; it doesn't try to oversolve truncation or provide tons of options. It truncates text to a max height.

What about the original text?

Truncated.js re-adds the diff of the original seleected elements's text in a hidden <span>. It runs a check for that <span> to make sure text is truncated as desired every time.

What about size?

Truncated.js is small - ~1.5kb unminified and is meant to do 1 thing - truncate text to fit beatifully to a specified max height.

How can I use it?

You can use Truncated.js in all modern formats and as a jQuery or zepto plugin.