

Deep Hash Distillation for Image Retrieval (ECCV2022)

Official Pytorch implementation of "Deep Hash Distillation for Image Retrieval" Accepted to ECCV2022 - <a href="https://www.ecva.net/papers/eccv_2022/papers_ECCV/papers/136740345.pdf">DHD</a>

Overall training procedure of DHD

<p align="center"><img src="figures/framework.png" width="900"></p>


Prepare requirements by following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Train DHD models

Prepare datasets

We use public benchmark datasets: ImageNet, NUS-WIDE, MS COCO. Image file name and corresponding labels are provided in ./data.

Datasets can be downloaded here: <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TAjFKnOEse4xU_ScZOM8NgQLGexebmRn/view?usp=share_link">NUS-WIDE</a> / <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EsRZP3YsLbkbJ9rNXA4x5BFkHVFIGlQP/view?usp=share_link">MS COCO</a>

For ImageNet, please download through official website <a href="https://www.image-net.org/download.php">ImageNet</a> and follow our data configuration.


python main_DHD.py --help will provide detailed explanation of each argument.

Retrieval Results with Different Backbone

S: Swin Transformer, R: ResNet, A: AlexNet


<p align="center"><img src="figures/Imagenet_results.png" width="900"></p> NUS-WIDE <p align="center"><img src="figures/Nuswide_results.png" width="900"></p> MS COCO <p align="center"><img src="figures/Mscoco_results.png" width="900"></p>


  title={Deep Hash Distillation for Image Retrieval},
  author={Young Kyun Jang, Geonmo Gu, Byungsoo Ko, Isaac Kang, Nam Ik Cho},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},