

Self-supervised Product Quantization for Deep Unsupervised Image Retrieval (ICCV2021)

Pytorch implementation of SPQ
Accepted to ICCV 2021 - <a href="https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/ICCV2021/papers/Jang_Self-Supervised_Product_Quantization_for_Deep_Unsupervised_Image_Retrieval_ICCV_2021_paper.pdf">paper</a>

There is a typo in the paper, t_q should be 0.2 (in this implementation 5.0), because we wrote as division, not multiplication.

Young Kyun Jang and Nam Ik Cho


Supervised deep learning-based hash and vector quantization are enabling fast and large-scale image retrieval systems. By fully exploiting label annotations, they are achieving outstanding retrieval performances compared to the conventional methods. However, it is painstaking to assign labels precisely for a vast amount of training data, and also, the annotation process is error-prone. To tackle these issues, we propose the first deep unsupervised image retrieval method dubbed Self-supervised Product Quantization (SPQ) network, which is label-free and trained in a self-supervised manner. We design a Cross Quantized Contrastive learning strategy that jointly learns codewords and deep visual descriptors by comparing individually transformed images (views). Our method analyzes the image contents to extract descriptive features, allowing us to understand image representations for accurate retrieval. By conducting extensive experiments on benchmarks, we demonstrate that the proposed method yields state-of-the-art results even without supervised pretraining.


<p align="center"><img src="figures/Concept.png" width="900"></p>

By maximizing cross-similarity between the deep descriptor of one view and the product quantized descriptor of the other, both codewords and deep descriptors are jointly trained to contain discriminative image content representations in SPQ.

An illustration of training procedure in SPQ

<p align="center"><img src="figures/Illustrated_example.png" width="900"></p>


Install requirements on your environment.


The explanation of arguments to reproduce the models presented in our paper can be found in the args, and by simply run:

python main_SPQ.py --help

Vanilla SPQ training

python main_SPQ.py --gpu_id=0 --batch_size=256 --N_books=8 --N_words=16 --eval_epoch=100


  title={Self-supervised Product Quantization for Deep Unsupervised Image Retrieval},
  author={Young Kyun Jang, and Nam Ik Cho},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},