

Depthwise Convolutional Layer


This is a personal caffe implementation of mobile convolution layer. For details, please read the original paper:

How to build

  1. Merge the caffe folder in the repo with your own caffe.
    $ cp -r $REPO/caffe/* $YOURCAFFE/
  2. Then make.
    $ cd $YOURCAFFE && make


Replacing the type of mobile convolution layer with "DepthwiseConvolution" is all. Please refer to the example/Withdw_MN_train_128_1_train.prototxt, which is altered from

GPUPerformance on example net

forward_batch141 ms8 ms
backward_batch151 ms11 ms
forward_batch16532 ms36 ms
backward_batch16695 ms96 ms

Transfer normal net to mobilenet

I write a script [transfer2Mobilenet.py] to convert normal net to mobilenet format. You may try too. Usage:

python ./transfer2Mobilenet.py sourceprototxt targetprototxt [--midbn nobn --weight_filler msra --activation ReLU]    ["--origin_type" means the depthwise convolution layer's type will be "Convolution" instead of "DepthwiseConvolution"]

The "transferTypeToDepthwiseConvolution.py" will be used for changing the depthwise convolution layer's type from "Convolution" to "DepthwiseConvolution".


  1. When turn on cudnn, the memory consuming of mobilenet would increase to unbelievable level. You may try.