A simple library for implementing Type Guard in TypeScript.
- 🛡 Basic Type Guard Functions + Custom Type Guard Functions
- 💡 Intuitive definition of Object's type guard functions
- ✨ Verify the type of a value in one line
npm i typescanner
// define the union type
const Lang = {
ja: "ja",
en: "en",
} as const;
type Lang = typeof Lang[keyof typeof Lang]; // "ja" | "en"
const langList = Object.values(Lang);
type Post = {
id: number;
author: string | null;
body: string;
lang: Lang;
isPublic: boolean;
createdAt: Date;
tags?: string[] | null;
// create a scanner
const isPost = scanner<Post>({
id: number,
author: union(string, Null),
body: string,
lang: list(langList),
isPublic: boolean,
createdAt: date,
tags: optional(array(string), Null),
const data = {
id: 1,
author: "taro",
body: "Hello!",
lang: "ja",
isPublic: true,
createdAt: new Date(),
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"],
} as unknown;
// scan
const post = scan(data, isPost);
post.body; // OK
is used when creating a scanner
. fields
returns a Condition
or an array of conditions as defined below.
type Condition<T> = (value: unknown) => value is T;
string; // string
number; // number
boolean; // boolean
symbol; // symbol
bigint; // bigint
Undefined; // undefined
Null; // null
data; // Date
union(string, null); // string | null
// If you want to use multiple types other than null and undefined,
// you need to write the types explicitly.
union<string | number>(string, number); // string | number
// Passes the Condition for the values in the array.
array(string); // string[]
array<string | number>(string, number); // (string | number)[]
optional(string); // string | undefined
optional<string | number>(string, number); // string | number | undefined
// Check if the value passed when determining the type is contained
// in the array passed by list().
list(["a", "b", "c"]); // "a" | "b" | "c"
// Pass a constructor as argument
is a function to implement type guard for objects. It returns a "type guard function" of the type defined by Type Aliase by setting a field to the value of each property.
type Foo = {
a: string;
b: number;
c: boolean;
d: Date;
e: string[];
f?: string;
g: "a" | "b" | "c";
h: string | null;
i: string | number;
j: number;
// You can extend fields by defining your own type guard functions.
const even = (value: unknown): value is number =>
isNumber(value) && value % 2 === 0;
const isFoo = scanner<Foo>({
a: string,
b: number,
c: boolean,
d: date,
e: array(string),
f: optional(string),
g: list(["a", "b", "c"]),
h: union(string, Null),
i: union<string | number>(string, number),
j: even, // Custom field
const foo = {
a: "a",
b: 2,
c: true,
d: new Date(),
e: ["a", "b"],
f: "f",
g: "a",
j: 2,
} as unknown;
if (isFoo(foo)) {
foo.a // OK
Debugging with scannar
If you want to see which field has the problem, set outputLog
to true
WARNING: If the scanner is nested, it may not output logs as expected.
const isBar = scanner<Bar>({
a: string,
b: number,
}, { outputLog: true })
// throw error
if (!isBar(data)) throw new Error("data is invalid")
// Error: value.${key} does not meet the condition.
is used with the first argument being the value you want to validate and the second argument being the Condition
If the verification is successful, the "narrowed value" will be returned. If it fails, it throws an exception.
// success
const data = scan(foo as unknown, isFoo);
data.a // OK
// Error!
const data = scan(bar as unknown, isFoo); // Error: type assertion is failed.
Basic type guard functions with function names beginning with "is".
// primitive
isDate(new Data())
// isUnion
isUnion<string | number>(1, isString, isNumber)
// isObject
isObject(value) // (value: unknown) => value is { [P in keyof T]?: unknown }
// isArray
isArray(["a", "b"], isString) // string[]
isArray<string | number>(["a", 1], isString, isNumber) // (string | number)[]
isArray(["a", null, undefined], isString, isNull, isUndefined) // (string | null | undefined)[]
// isOptional
isOptional("a", isString) // true
isOptional(undefined, isString) // true
// isList
const Lang = {
ja: "ja",
en: "en",
} as const;
type Lang = typeof Lang[keyof typeof Lang]; // "ja" | "en"
const langList = Object.values(Lang);
isList("ja", langList) // true
// isInstanceOf
try {
} catch (error) {
if (isInstanceOf(error, Error)) {
error.message // OK