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Conf Boilerplate


An iniciative of BrazilJS Foundation to help those people who wants to organize conferences/events and don't have too much time to create the website of it.

How it works?


We use DocPad, a static generator in NodeJS, to create an easily customizable template. More than that, hosting is free via Github Pages and you can use your own domain (more information about that on Deploy)

By default, we have the following sections:

P.S. 1: There is no integration with any registration and/or payment system. For this reason, we recommend Eventick.

P.S. 2: We haven't developed a highly automated and customizable solution for contact forms yet. For this reason, we recommend Wufoo.

Getting Started

  1. Install Git and NodeJS, if you don't have it yet.

  2. Open your terminal and download DocPad through this command:

     sudo npm install -fg docpad@6.12
  3. Now clone it:

     git clone git@github.com:braziljs/conf-boilerplate.git
  4. Then go to the project's folder:

     cd conf-boilerplate
  5. Install all dependencies:

     docpad install
  6. And finally run:

     docpad run

Now you can see the website running in localhost:9778 :D


The basic structure of the project is given in the following way:

<pre> . |-- out/ |-- src/ | |-- documents | |-- files | |-- layouts | |-- partials |-- docpad.coffee |-- package.json `-- publish.sh </pre>


This is where the generated files are stored, once DocPad has been runned. However, this directory is unnecessary in versioning, so it is ignored (.gitignore).


Contains the file responsible for importing all sections of the application.


Has images, CSS, JS and CNAME that indicates the custom domain that should be used (more information on how to use your own domain on Deploy).


Contains the default template of the application.


Are blocks of code used to generate the site's main page (index.html).


Stores most settings of the application.


List NodeJS modules dependencies.


Shell Script responsible for publishing the site via via Github Pages.


The project already comes with a visual template, feel free to use it, but we recommend you create your own in order to put your own identity in the event.

Anyway, we have prepared something highly customizable for you, so for most of the changes just go to the docpad.coffee and change the value of variables.

Basic information about the conference

Do you want to change the name, date, address, city or price of the conference? Go ahead.

  name: "Conference name"
  description: "Conference description"
  date: "November 15"
  price: "$100"
  address: "Boulevard Kukulcan, 30, México"
  venue: "Coco Bongo"
  city: "Cancún"

Basic information about the website

Do you want to change the cover image, Google Analytics code or favicon? Go ahead!

  url: "http://confboilerplate.com"
  favicon: "http://braziljs.org/favicon.ico"
  googleanalytics: "UA-33656081-1"
    cover: "http://f.cl.ly/items/2X28422q1e3w0C2U1P3H/866591_24254643.jpg"
    facebook: "http://braziljs.org/img/fb-share.jpg"

Active sections

Still don't get a full schedule of the event? No problem, just set schedule variable to false.

Still don't get who is going to speak? Ok, just set speakers variable to false.

And so on.

  about: true
  location: true
  speakers: true
  schedule: true
  sponsors: true
  partners: true
  contact: false

Speakers List

To add/change/exclude a speaker is equally simple, just see schedule variable.

schedule: [
  name: "Chuck Norris"
  photo: "http://f.cl.ly/items/2A3p1N0C3c0n3N3R1w2B/speaker.jpg"
  bio: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo"
  company: "Delta Command"
  twitter: "littlechuck"
    title: "How to kill a elephant with one finger"
    description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo"
    time: "13h00"

Do you want to list an attribute of the speaker that is not there? Okay just add it on docpad.coffee and then show it with <%= speaker.yourNewAttribute %> on speakers.html.eco.

List of another items on Agenda

To change the time of check-in, lunch and coffee-break, just see schedule variable.

schedule: [
  name: "Check-in / Breakfast"
  time: "9h00"

But if you want to add another coffee-creak or any kind of item on agenda, just add the item on the list.

List of Sponsors/Partners

To add any sponsor or partner, just use sponsors and partners variables.

partners: [
  name: "BrazilJS"
  logo: "http://f.cl.ly/items/2N3i2W0X2f3c2g2Z2N0f/Untitled-1.png"
  url: "http://braziljs.org"


We don't like to centralize the power of deploy in one person, so we'll use Github Pages that is free.

Wait a few minutes until Github send you an email telling that everything went well. Then just access: http://yourUser.github.com/yourFork

P.S.: Remember to remove CNAME file that is located on src/files folder, if you want to use the predefined Github url.

Custom domain

If you don't want to use Github domain, you can use your own with a few steps.

  1. Change the CNAME file that is located on src/files folder and fill with your domain: yourevent.com. See the example.
  2. Change the DNS of your domain following Github instructions.

How to Deploy without Github Pages

If you want to use your own server to host the website:

This command will generate a folder called out that contains just static files, then just upload them to your server.


See the conferences that already used this project as a kickstart:

Who is behind of it?

We're a group of developers who have been through hard times organizing conferences around Brazil and now just want to help another people to do this hard task.

Project Lead: Zeno Rocha

Special thanks to all community members for feedbacks and contributions.