

Yodlr Front End Engineer Code/Design Challenge


We're excited that you're interested in joining the Yodlr team. In the past, we have brought potential engineering candidates into our office for a full-day technical interview. This interview would include whiteboard programming exercises, code reviews, and other thought exercises. Unfortunately, onsite technical interviews are often biased against people who are not comfortable being put on the spot. Not to mention, who actually codes on a whiteboard in real life? In short, we realized that we were evaluating candidates in an unusual situation.

So instead, we've come up with this relatively open-ended programming/design challenge that will allow you to demonstrate your skills from the comfort of your own workspace. In addition, we know your time is valuable, so please feel free to use your completed work as a portfolio piece.

We wish you the best of luck and can't wait to see what you create!

Team Yodlr (Jared, Tom, & Ross)


We have provided you with a simple NodeJS application server for user registration and administration. This app does two things:

We would like for you to build a user interface for user registration and one for administration of existing users. To get you started, we have created placeholder pages (signup.html and admin.html) that you can build on.

You may use any front-end technologies you would like to create these user interfaces. This nodejs application is currently geared towards client-side rendering for systems like AngularJS, BackboneJS, EmberJS, jQuery, etc. but if you are more familiar with server-side templating (Handlebars, Jade, Swig, EJS, etc) please feel free to rework the application as needed.

In terms of design & layout, we leave that entirely up to you. We are familiar with Bootstrap but have also heard great things about Foundation. We recommend using whatever you're most comfortable with.

Getting Started

To use this application, you will need to download and install NodeJS.

Once you have NodeJS installed, you have two choices for downloading this source code:

  1. Download & extract a zip file of the source
  2. Fork this repository and git clone your fork

Next, you need to install the package dependencies by running the following command in the top-level directory of this source tree:

npm install

Once the dependancies are installed, you can start the application server by running

npm start

Once the server is running, you can access the start page (index.html) by opening your browser to http://localhost:3000.

To stop the server, press CTRL-C.


The Users JSON REST API is exposed at http://localhost:3000/users.

On server start, user data is read into memory from init_data.json. All subsequent actions are done against this memory store. Stopping and starting the server will re-initialize data from init_data.json.

API Endpoints

Here is an example of results returned from HTTP GET on /users:



We kindly ask that you spend no more than 6-8 hours on this challenge.

At a minimum, there are three things we would like to see:

We will of course examine your code for readability, architectural decisions, and modularity. If/when you meet with us, be prepared to talk about why and how you built your interfaces.

Idea inspiration

If you have additional time after completing the requirements (we think you should), then we'd love to see what else you can do. Here are some ideas to get you started (but please don't limit yourself to these!).

To be perfectly clear, we don't expect that anyone could complete all of these in 6-8 hours. This is simply a list of ideas to inspire you.


There are two ways that you can submit your solution to us.

The first is to simply create a .zip file of the project directory and email it to jobs@getyodlr.com with the subject "Front End Code Challenge".

Alternatively, you can follow the GitHub Fork/PR workflow by forking this repository, commiting your changes, and submiting a pull request to us. For more information about that, you can see this GitHub article

Questions / Problems / Stuck?

You can either write us a GitHub issue or email us at jobs@getyodlr.com.


We have licensed this project under the MIT license so that you may use this for a portfolio piece (or anything else!).