


Machine Translation (MT) Preparation Scripts

Installing Requirements

The filtering and subwording scripts use a number of Python packages. To install these dependencies using pip run the following command in Terminal/CMD:

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt


There is one script to use for cleaning your Machine Translation dataset. You must have two files, one for the source and one for the target. If you rather have one TMX file, you can first use the TXM2MT converter.

The filter script achieves the following steps:

Run the filtering script in the Terminal/CMD as follows:

python3 filter.py <source_file_path> <target_file_path> <source_lang> <target_lang>


It is recommended to run the subwording process, as it helps your Machine Translation engine avoid out-of-vocabulary tokens. The subwording scripts apply SentencePiece to your source and target Machine Translation files. There are three scripts provided:

1. Train a subwording model

You need to create two subwording models to learn the vocabulary of your source and target.

python3 train.py <train_source_file_tok> <train_target_file_tok>

By default, the subwording model type is unigram. You can change it BPE by adding --model_type=bpe to these lines in the script as follows:

source_train_value = '--input='+train_source_file_tok+' --model_prefix=source --vocab_size='+str(source_vocab_size)+' --hard_vocab_limit=false --model_type=bpe'
target_train_value = '--input='+train_target_file_tok+' --model_prefix=target --vocab_size='+str(target_vocab_size)+' --hard_vocab_limit=false --model_type=bpe'

Optionally, you can add more options like --split_digits=true to split all digits (0-9) into separate pieces, or --byte_fallback=true to decompose unknown pieces into UTF-8 byte pieces, which might help avoid out of vocabulary tokens.

Notes for big corpora:

2. Subword

In this step, you use the models you created in the previous step to subword your source and target Machine Translation files. You have to apply the same step on the source files to be translated later with the Machine Translation model.

python3 subword.py <sp_source_model_path> <sp_target_model_path> <source_file_path> <target_file_path>

Notes for OpenNMT users:

pip3 install --upgrade OpenNMT-py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py/master/tools/spm_to_vocab.py
cat spm.vocab | python3 spm_to_vocab.py > spm.onmt_vocab

3. Desubword

This step is useful after training your Machine Translation model and translating files with it, as you need to decode/desubword the generated target (i.e. translated) files.

python3 desubword.py <target_model_file> <target_pred_file>

Extracting Training and Development Datasets

In this step, you split the parallel dataset into training and development datasets. The first argument is the number of segments you want in the development dataset; the script randomly selects this number of segments for the dev set and keeps the rest for the train set.

python3 train_dev_split.py <dev_segment_number> <source_file_path> <target_file_path>

Google Colab Notebooks


If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.


    title = "Domain-Specific Text Generation for Machine Translation",
    author = "Moslem, Yasmin  and
      Haque, Rejwanul  and
      Kelleher, John  and
      Way, Andy",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track)",
    month = sep,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Orlando, USA",
    publisher = "Association for Machine Translation in the Americas",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.amta-research.2",
    pages = "14--30",