


a proxy to ssh-agent and Pageant in Java.


jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH's ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license.

Build from Source

$ git clone git://github.com/ymnk/jsch-agent-proxy.git
$ cd jsch-agent-proxy
$ mvn package
$ mvn install



To work as a proxy to ssh-agent and Pageant, the current implementation depends on the following software,

As for connections to ssh-agent, unix domain sockets must be handled, and the current implementation has been using JNA or junixsocket for that purpose. Refer to following classes,

NCUSocketFactory expects the external command nc(OpenBSD's netcat), but you don't have to install other third party software.

As for connections to Pageant, win32 APIs must be handled, and JNA has been used in the current implementation for that purpose. Refer to the following class,

If you want to be free from JNA and junixsocket, implement following interfaces without them,