


GLOBIS-AQZ is a Go game engine that uses Deep Learning technology.
It features support for both the Japanese rule with Komi 6.5 and the Chinese rule with Komi 7.5.

This program utilizes the results of the GLOBIS-AQZ project.

GLOBIS-AQZ is a joint project developed by GLOBIS Corporation, Mr. Yu Yamaguchi, and Tripleize Co., Ltd., provided by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), and cooperated by the Nihon Ki-in. This program uses the result of GLOBIS-AQZ.

Since it is open source software, anyone can use it for free.
This program is for playing and analyzing games, so please set it to GUI software such as Lizzie, Sabaki and GoGui.



Download executable files from Releases.
The executable files built on Windows 10 or Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) are available.

If it does not work as it is in other environments, please consider building it for each environment. (for developers)

2. Requirements

It has been tested in the following environment.

3. How to use

For example, if you want to start GTP mode in the case of Japanese rule and with time settings of 20 minutes and 30-seconds byoyomi:

$ AQ.exe --rule=1 --komi=6.5 --main_time=1200 --byoyomi=30

With Chinese rule and Komi 7.5 (default), the number of searches (playouts) is fixed at 800 without ponder:

$ AQ.exe --search_limit=800 --use_ponder=off

With Tromp-Taylor rule and Komi 7.5, 15 minutes sudden death such as games on CGOS:

$ AQ.exe --rule=2 --repetition_rule=2 --main_time=900 --byoyomi=0

3-1. Setting environment variables

In the case of Windows, the following path must be registered in the PATH environment variable.

{your_cuda_path}\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.{x}\bin

3-2. Generating engine files

The first time it starts up, it generates a network engine optimized for your environment from a file in UFF (Universal File Format) format.
It may take a few minutes to generate this engine.
The serialized engine files are saved in the engine folder, so it will start immediately the second time around.

3-3. Register with Lizzie

For Windows, add {your_aq_folder}/AQ.exe --lizzie to the engine command.
For example, if you want to analyze by Japanese rules, please modify the config.txt file in the AQ folder to use various settings.

4. Options

Here's a description of the main options.
It can be specified as a command line argument, or it can be changed by editing config.txt.
For example, --komi=6.5.

4-1. Game options

--num_gpus1The number of GPUs to use.
--num_threads16The number of threads to be used for searching.
--main_time0.0Main time of search (in seconds).
--byoyomi3.0Byoyomi (in seconds).
--rule0The rule of the game. 0: Chinese rule 1: Japanese rule 2: Tromp-Taylor rule
--komi7.5Number of Komi. In the case of Japanese rule, please specify 6.5.
--batch_size8The number of batches for a single evaluation.
--search_limit-1The number of searches (playouts). -1 means this option is disable.
--node_size65536Maximum number of nodes of the search. When this number of nodes is reached, the search is terminated.
--use_ponderonWhether or not to read ahead in the opponent's turn. You must turn it on when using it in Lizzie.
--resign_value0.05the winning rate to be given up.
--save_logoffWhether or not to save the game's thought logs and sgf files.

4-2. Launch modes

Mainly for debugging. Please do not use any other games other than --lizzie for normal games and analysis.
They are only recognized as a command line argument.

OptionLaunch mode
(not specified)GTP communication mode
--lizzieIn addition to GTP communication, it outputs information for Lizzie.
--selfAQ starts a self game.
--policy_selfAQ starts a self game with the best move in policy networks.
--testTests the consistency of the board data structure, etc.
--benchmarkMeasures the computational speed of rollouts and neural networks.

5. Compilation method

The following is an explanation for developers.
The source code is implemented only for games and analysis, and does not include any learning functions.

AQ is written so that it can be compiled with C++11/C++14, and the coding conventions are generally referred to the following page.

5-1. Linux


Check the include path and library path of CUDA and TensorRT in the Makefile and make it.

$ make

5-2. Windows


Additional include directories:

{your_cuda_path}\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.x\include

Additional library directories:

{your_cuda_path}\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.x\lib\x64

Additional library files:


Add each of the above and build it.

6. License

Author: Yu Yamaguchi