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This repository contains the data for The Third Evaluation Workshop on Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension (CMRC 2019). We will present our paper at COLING 2020,

Title: A Sentence Cloze Dataset for Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension
Authors: Yiming Cui, Ting Liu, Ziqing Yang, Zhipeng Chen, Wentao Ma, Wanxiang Che, Shijin Wang, Guoping Hu
Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.03116
Venue: COLING 2020

Open Challenge Leaderboard (New!)

Keep track of the latest state-of-the-art systems on CMRC 2019 dataset. https://ymcui.github.io/cmrc2019/

Submission Guidelines

If you would like to test your model on the hidden test and challenge set, please follow the instructions on how to submit your model via CodaLab worksheet. https://worksheets.codalab.org/worksheets/0xe856b40d21de45bf898cd1d3c5135afe

Directory Guide

Baseline System

We provide a BERT-based baseline system for participants (check baseline directory for more info).

Results on other sets will be annouced later.

QAC: Question-Level Accuracy

PAC: Passage-Level Accuracy

DataPassage #Query #QACPACFake CandidatesAvailability
Trial Data1391,50471.941%28.776%NoPublic
Train Data9,638100,009N/AN/ANoPublic
Development Data3003,05370.586%13.333%YesPublic
Qualifying Data5005,08170.01%8.20%YesSemi-Hidden
Test Data----YesHidden

International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN)

ISLRN: 813-010-842-493-2



If you wish to use our data in your research, please cite our paper:

  title={A Sentence Cloze Dataset for Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension},
  author={Cui, Yiming and Liu, Ting and Yang, Ziqing and Chen, Zhipeng and Ma, Wentao and Che, Wanxiang and Wang, Shijin and Hu, Guoping},
  booktitle = 	"Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020)",

Organization Committee

Host: Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS)
Organizer: Joint Laboratory of HIT and iFLYTEK Research (HFL)
Sponsor: iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. and iFLYTEK Research (Hebei)

Evaluation Co-Chairs

Ting Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Yiming Cui, Joint Laboratory of HIT and iFLYTEK Research

Official HFL WeChat Account

Follow Joint Laboratory of HIT and iFLYTEK Research (HFL) on WeChat.


Contact us

Any problems? Feel free to concat us.
Email: cmrc2019 [aT] 126 [DoT] com
Forum: CodaLab Competition Forum
CMRC 2019 Official Website (中文):https://cmrc2019.hfl-rc.com/
CMRC 2019 Official Website (English):https://cmrc2019.hfl-rc.com/english/