


CodeMirror Binding for Yjs - Demo

This binding binds a Y.Text to a CodeMirror editor.

For CodeMirror 6+, go to yjs/y-codemirror.next


CodeMirror Yjs Demo


import * as Y from 'yjs'
import { CodemirrorBinding } from 'y-codemirror'
import { WebrtcProvider } from 'y-webrtc'
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'

const ydoc = new Y.Doc()
const provider = new WebrtcProvider('codemirror-demo-room', ydoc)
const yText = ydoc.getText('codemirror')
const yUndoManager = new Y.UndoManager(yText)

const editor = CodeMirror(editorDiv, {
  mode: 'javascript',
  lineNumbers: true

const binding = new CodemirrorBinding(yText, editor, provider.awareness, { yUndoManager })

Also look here for a working example.


const binding = new CodemirrorBinding(yText: Y.Text, editor: CodeMirror.Editor, [ awareness: y-protocols.Awareness|null, [ { yUndoManager: Y.UndoManager } ]])

Binds a Y.Text type to the CodeMirror document that is currently in use. You can <code>swapDoc</code> the CodeMirror document while a binding is active. Make sure to destroy a binding when it is no longer needed.

When Y.UndoManager is defined, y-codemirror will use a custom collaborative undo manager instead of CodeMirror's UndoManager. The collaboration-aware Y.UndoManager tracks only local changes by default and doesn't track changes from remote users. You should undo/redo changes using yUndoManager.undo() / yUndoManager.redo() instead of using CodeMirror's history manager. See the extensive documentation on Y.UndoManager for documentation on how to filter specific changes.

<dl> <b><code>destroy()</code></b> <dd> Destroy the CodemirrorBinding, remove all event listeners from the editor and the Yjs document, and destroy the UndoManager. </dd> <b><code>cm: CodeMirror.Editor</code></b> <dd> Reference to the CodeMirror editor. </dd> <b><code>cmDoc: CodeMirror.Doc</code></b> <dd> Reference to the CodeMirror document. </dd> <b><code>type: Y.Text</code></b> <dd> Reference to the Y.Text type that this binding binds to. </dd> <b><code>doc: Y.Doc</code></b> <dd> Reference to the Yjs document. </dd> <b><code>awareness: y-protocols.Awareness</code></b> <dd> Reference to the Awareness instance, if defined. </dd> <b><code>on('cursorActivity', (editor: CodeMirror) => void)</code></b> <dd> This event is similar to CodeMirror's 'cursorActivity' event, but is fired after all changes have been applied to the editor and to the Y.Text instance. </dd> </dl>

The shared cursors depend on the Awareness instance that is exported by most providers. The Awareness protocol handles non-permanent data like the number of users, their user names, their cursor location, and their colors. You can change the name and color of the user like this:

example.binding.awareness.setLocalStateField('user', { color: '#008833', name: 'My real name' })

In order to render cursor information you need to embed custom CSS for the user icon. This is a template that you can use for styling cursor information.

.remote-caret {
  position: absolute;
  border-left: black;
  border-left-style: solid;
  border-left-width: 2px;
  height: 1em;
.remote-caret > div {
  position: relative;
  top: -1.05em;
  font-size: 13px;
  background-color: rgb(250, 129, 0);
  font-family: serif;
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: normal;
  line-height: normal;
  user-select: none;
  color: white;
  padding-left: 2px;
  padding-right: 2px;
  z-index: 3;


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