

Yireo - Magento 2 Category Extended

Supported Magento Versions License

[!WARNING] This Module is still in Developement, don't use it in production

Enhance your Magento 2 category menus with CMS pages and custom URLs!

This module seamlessly integrates CMS pages and custom URLs into your Magento 2 category structure, allowing you to create a more versatile and informative menu for your customers.


Install the package via;

composer config repositories.yireo/magento2-category-extended git git@github.com:yireo/Yireo_CategoryExtended.git
composer require yireo/magento2-category-extended
bin/magento module:enable Yireo_CategoryExtended
bin/magento setup:upgrade

[!NOTE] This Module requires Magento 2.3 or higher! For more requirements see the composer.json.

How to use

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