

Yireo Example Hyva React Checkout

Magento 2 module for extending upon the Hyva Checkout module

DEPRECATED: Use https://github.com/hyva-themes/magento2-checkout-example instead

Yireo Example Hyva React Checkout? Yes, that's a lot of buzzwords. This example module adds a custom Webpack configuration, so that you can extend upon the React sources of the original Hyva Checkout module. In effect, this allows for kind of a parent/child theming mechanism, not for the entire Hyva theme, but only for the specific React sources in your custom checkout.

Usage as a proof-of-concept

Usage in your project

Copying React components

As an example you could copy the original LoginForm.jsx component and make some modifications to hit, like adding a simple Hello World. Copy the original path vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-hyva-checkout/src/reactapp/src/components/login/components/LoginForm.jsx into app/code/Yireo/ExampleHyvaCheckout/reactapp/src/components/login/components/LoginForm.jsx.

Open up the React source and locate the lines including import:

import Button from '../../common/Button';
import TextInput from '../../common/Form/TextInput';
import useLoginFormContext from '../hooks/useLoginFormContext';
import {__} from '../../../i18n';

Change these relative imports into the references to @hyva/react-checkout:

import Button from '@hyva/react-checkout/components/common/Button';
import TextInput from '@hyva/react-checkout/components/common/Form/TextInput';
import useLoginFormContext from '@hyva/react-checkout/components/login/hooks/useLoginFormContext';
import {__} from '@hyva/react-checkout/i18n';

Note that the NPM package @hyva/react-checkout actually does not (yet) exist. It is a Webpack alias pointing to the path vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-hyva-checkout/src/reactapp/src.