

Exchange-of-Thought: Enhancing Large Language Model Capabilities through Cross-Model Communication

License Python

EMNLP 2023: Exchange-of-Thought: Enhancing Large Language Model Capabilities through Cross-Model Communication

Introduction 📝

This repository contains the code and data related to the paper "Exchange-of-Thought: Enhancing Large Language Model Capabilities through Cross-Model Communication". In this paper, we introduce a novel cross-model communication framework that incorporates solutions from other models as external insights in problem-solving. Drawing from network topology, we propose four types of communication paradigms: Memory, Report, Relay, and Debate. We also present a confidence evaluation to mitigate the influence of unreliable ideas during the problem-solving process.


Quick Links 🔗

Communication ✨

Drawing inspiration from the interactive discussions among high school students in school, we have designed our models to emulate three high school students: Kitty, Ben, and Peter. Kitty is meticulous and earnest, Ben is smart and quick-witted, and Peter is rich in creativity. During the problem-solving process, they utilize their unique talents to think from different perspectives, subsequently exchanging their ideas to enhance and complement each other's problem-solving strategies. Communication

Requirements 📚

Please make sure you have the following requirements installed:

Data 💾

Our dataset originates from Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners, generously shared by Takeshi Kojima. We employ prompts from Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models to guide models in generating initial reasoning processes.

Considering the costly overhead of API calls, we provide the initial reasoning outcomes saved in the jsonl format within the samples folder. You can directly load example data from the samples folder to run Exchange-of-Thought (EoT). The complete dataset is stored at Google Drive.

Quick Start 🚀

We provide a reference startup script in main.py. Below is a comprehensive explanation of the arguments for launching the EoT script, allowing for customized training runs.

To run the GSM8K dataset with the Memory communication mode, use the following script:

python eot.py --task GSM8K --data-path [Initital_Data_Path] --record-path [Your_Record_Path] --communication-mode Memory --inference-model gpt-35-turbo-0301

You'll need to replace [Initital_Data_Path] and [Your_Record_Path] with your data directory and result storage directory, respectively. Initial data can be referred to in the Data section.

When running eot.py, you can customize EoT with the following input arguments:


We support APIs from OpenAI and Azure. We recommend using Azure's API to avoid potential instability with OpenAI's API.

Currently, we only support 3 communicators. You might need to modify the content in eot.py to accommodate more participants.

You can adapt EoT to new reasoning tasks or scenarios, or DIY communication modes, by modifying the exchange function in eot.py. By default, EoT doesn't require additional example samples during the communication process, relying solely on the models themselves for interaction and verification. In complex scenarios, we recommend providing a suitable example sample to guide models in better understanding each other's intentions and completing communication.

You can construct your desired character information for communication in prompt.py. For simplicity, we use a unified System Prompt. However, we've found that for hard tasks, using specially designed System Prompts can further improve model performance.

Evaluation 💻

In metric.py, we provide evaluation methods for various tasks, utilizing accuracy to assess the model's reasoning performance. We offer the process_pred function for evaluating single reasoning chain and the process_pred_list function for evaluating multiple reasoning chains.

To facilitate future research and analysis, we have made the communication results of EoT available at Google Drive🤗.

Bug or Questions? 🤔

If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to email us at yinzhangyue@126.com. If you encounter any issues while using the code, or if you find any bugs, please open a new issue on GitHub. This is a preliminary work and we are very much open to any constructive feedback that could help us improve. Thank you for your attention!

Citation 📖

If you are interested in our work, please use the following citation format when referencing our paper:

    title     = "Exchange-of-Thought: Enhancing Large Language Model Capabilities through Cross-Model Communication",
    author    = "Yin, Zhangyue  and
      Sun, Qiushi  and
      Chang, Cheng  and
      Guo, Qipeng  and
      Dai, Junqi  and
      Huang, Xuanjing  and
      Qiu, Xipeng",
    editor    = "Bouamor, Houda  and
      Pino, Juan  and
      Bali, Kalika",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month     = dec,
    year      = "2023",
    address   = "Singapore",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url       = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.936",
    pages     = "15135--15153",