


Tickeys Icon

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yingDev/Tickeys/master/.readme_images/Tickeys%20new.png" width="128" height="128" /> <br>(An alternative icon designed by [@WillStark](https://github.com/WillStark) )

Instant audio feedback for typing. For macOS.

A demo for learning Rust.

Other versions:


brew cask install tickeys && open /Applications/Tickeys.app


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yingDev/Tickeys/master/.readme_images/1.png" alt='sound effects' width=400/> <br/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yingDev/Tickeys/master/.readme_images/2.png" alt='black/white list' width=400/> <br/><br/> <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeqA-LU5IWg' target='_blank'> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yingDev/Tickeys/master/.readme_images/video_thumb.png" alt='sound effects' width=400/> </a>

Add custom schemes

  1. locate the data directory in Finder: Tickeys.app/Content/Resources/data/

  2. copy & paste an effect directory and rename the copy, eg.drum -> myDrum

  3. open schemes.json and edit it by copy & paste the corresponding scheme entry; change the name and display_name as needed. eg:

    	"name": "myDrum",
    	"display_name": "My Drum",
    	"files": ["1.wav", "2.wav", "3.wav", "4.wav", "space.wav", "backspace.wav", "enter.wav"],
    	"non_unique_count": 4, 
    	"key_audio_map":{"36": 6, "49": 4, "51": 5}
    • note:
      • "name": value must be the same as your directory name
      • "files": sound file list
      • "non_unique_count": first N items in files are auto mapped to keys
      • "key_audio_map": mappings of keyCode to sound index in "files". eg. 36 == enter
  4. add/replace your .wav files; update & save the json file

  5. re-launch Tickeys. ("qaz123")

Deps (for development)

brew install freealut openssl
