

TinyTeX releases for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Publish Monthly

<a href="https://yihui.org/tinytex/"><img src="https://yihui.org/images/logo-tinytex.png" alt="tinytex logo" align="right" width="200px"/></a>

TinyTeX is a lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live. You may see the Github repo (https://github.com/rstudio/tinytex) and project homepage (https://yihui.org/tinytex/) for more info.


The pre-built binary packages of TinyTeX are published (usually monthly but also daily) to the Github Releases of this repository: https://github.com/rstudio/tinytex-releases/releases Each release contains the following variations that bundle different numbers of LaTeX packages:

The zip packages are for Windows. The tgz packages are for macOS. The tar.gz packages are for Linux. If you prefer using the daily build instead of monthly releases, you may also download them from URLs of the form https://yihui.org/tinytex/BUNDLE.EXT, where BUNDLE can be TinyTeX-0, TinyTeX-1, or TinyTeX, and EXT can be zip, tgz, or tar.gz, e.g., https://yihui.org/tinytex/TinyTeX.zip. There is a special case for TinyTeX-2 on Windows, which is available as exe only (self extracting archive).

TinyTeX-0TinyTeX-0.zip (27 MB)TinyTeX-0.tgz (1.1 MB)TinyTeX-0.tar.gz (800 KB)
TinyTeX-1TinyTeX-1.zip (99 MB)TinyTeX-1.tgz (84 MB)TinyTeX-1.tar.gz (66 MB)
TinyTeXTinyTeX.zip (225+ MB)TinyTeX.tgz (217+ MB)TinyTeX.tar.gz (188+ MB)
TinyTeX-2TinyTeX-2.exe (1.4 GB)TinyTeX-2.tgz (1.8 GB)TinyTeX-2.tar.gz (1.7 GB)
tinitex binary (experimental)tinitex.zip (25 MB)tinitex.tgz (30 MB)tinitex.tar.gz (33 MB)

For those who are curious about how these packages are built, please read the FAQ 4 of TinyTeX.


TinyTeX can be installed in a variety of ways. You may use R, shell/batch scripts, Chocolatey, or Scoop to install it.


You may use the R package tinytex to install TinyTeX. By default, the function tinytex::install_tinytex() installs the latest daily build of TinyTeX. If you want to install a specific version in this repo, you may use the version argument, e.g.,

tinytex::install_tinytex(version = "2020.10")
# use version = "latest" if you want to install the latest release

Note that install_tinytex() installs the bundle TinyTeX-1 by default. If you want to install other bundles, you can use the bundle argument, e.g.,

tinytex::install_tinytex(bundle = 'TinyTeX')
# You can also specify the version, e.g,
# tinytex::install_tinytex(bundle = 'TinyTeX', version = '2020.10')

Shell/Batch scripts

Please see https://yihui.org/tinytex/#installation for how to install TinyTeX via a Unix Shell or Windows Batch script. They also install the latest daily build by default, and you may specify the TinyTeX version via an environment variable TINYTEX_VERSION before running the installation script, e.g., TINYTEX_VERSION=2020.10. You may also specify other bundles of TinyTeX via the environment variable TINYTEX_INSTALLER, e.g., TINYTEX_INSTALLER=TinyTeX (the default is TinyTeX-1).


You may install TinyTeX as a Chocolatey package. First, you would need to install the Chocolatey Package Manager if it has not already been installed. Next type in the following command to install TinyTeX:

choco install tinytex

This will install TinyTeX and make the TeX Live package manager, tlmgr available on user PATH.

choco install tinytex -params "/AddToSystemPath"

This will install TinyTeX and make the TeX Live package manager, tlmgr available on System PATH.

To uninstall TinyTeX, use the command:

choco uninstall tinytex

The Chocolatey package installs TinyTeX-1 (see above).


Scoop is another package manager for Windows. You need to install scoop first to use it from powershell.

Apps for scoop are available through "buckets". For now, TinyTeX binary packages are not available in the default main or extras buckets that comes with a new installation of scoop, but through the scoop bucket r-bucket. You need first to add this bucket:

scoop bucket add r-bucket https://github.com/cderv/r-bucket.git

Then type the following command to install TinyTeX:

scoop install tinytex

This will install TinyTeX and make the TeX Live package manager, tlmgr available on PATH. To uninstall TinyTeX, use the command:

scoop uninstall tinytex

For more information on this scoop package, please see https://github.com/cderv/r-bucket/.


All code in this repository and TinyTeX are licensed under GPL-2. Per copying conditions of TeX Live, we (TinyTeX authors) want to clarify that:

Note that TinyTeX does not bundle the source code of LaTeX packages (to keep the size small). If you do want to obtain the source, you may find them on CTAN. Alternatively, you can reinstall a package with the command tlmgr install --reinstall --with-src <PKG> to obtain the source.