This is SLAM AR with ZED Stereo Camera on Ubuntu 14.04.
It runs as MarkerLess-AR mode at first, press 'space' button to start SLAM-AR mode.
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="StereoSLAMAR" width="260" height="180" border="50"/> </p>This is the demo video:
During the video, it is running on my Mac, without using ZED Stereo Camera.
I used a stereo camera made by myself.
If you want to make your own stereo camera, you need to calibrate your camera and use your own camera parameters.
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="StereoCamera" width="335" height="375" border="50"/> </p>Besides, if you want to make it work on monocular, you can check ORB_SLAM2 for updates.
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="MonoAR" width="420" height="255" border="50"/> </p>