

UI Recorder

This repository contains the source code of a browser event recorder, which supports capturing all user interaction in a browser and generating code for the captured interactions. It's simple and flexible, and it can easily be cusotmized to capture any browser events and to generate any kind of test automation code. It aims to become a generic browser event recorder that can be used to develop any kind of UI recorders such as Selenium IDE.


The basic concept of the UI Recorder is extremely simple. It adds event listeners to the browser's window and frames so that it can capture the specific events and then generate code based on the events.


Click on this link to go to the test page, open the browser console, click somewhere on the test page, and you should see the recorded code shown in the console. You can run recorder.getRecordedCode() to get the recorded code.


Overview of Folder Structure

Anatomy of the UI Recorder

Here is the overview for the files under src folder:

Set up The Local Environment

Here are the steps:


For now, you have to manually copy and paste to get the recorder running, and here are the steps:

Here are the steps;


Here is a todo list to make UI Recorder better, and everyone is welcome to contribute to it:
