

ReliableSwap: Boosting General Face Swapping Via Reliable Supervision

<a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.05356'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/ArXiv-PDF-red'></a>   <a href='https://reliable-swap.github.io/'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Project-Page-Green'></a>   Hugging Face Spaces  

<div> <span class="author-block"> <a href="https://github.com/ygtxr1997" target="_blank">Ge Yuan</a><sup>1,2,+</sup></span>, <span class="author-block"> <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ym_t6QYAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=sra" target="_blank">Maomao Li</a><sup>2,+</sup>, </span> <span class="author-block"> <a href="https://yzhang2016.github.io" target="_blank">Yong Zhang</a><sup>2,*</sup>, </span> <span class="author-block"> <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CCUQi50AAAAJ" target="_blank">Huicheng Zheng</a><sup>1,*</sup> </span> (+ Equal Contributions, * Corresponding Authors) </div> <div class="is-size-5 publication-authors"> <span class="author-block"> <sup>1</sup> Sun Yat-sen University &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <sup>2</sup> Tencent AI Lab &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span> </div> <br>

TL;DR: A general face swapping framework that:

🎯 solves no image-level guidance <br> 👩‍❤️‍👩 enhances source identity preservation <br> ♾️ is orthogonal and compatible with existing methods <br>



What Problems We Solve


During face swapping training, the re-construction task (used when $X_{\rm{t}}=X_{\rm{s}}$) cannot be used as the proxy anymore when $X_{\rm{t}} \neq X_{\rm{s}}$, lacking pixel-wise supervison $\Gamma$.

How It Works


<div align="center"> <img src="./assets/Tab2.png" width="50%"> </div>

We first use real images $C_{\rm{a}}$ and $C_{\rm{b}}$ to synthesize fake images $C_{\rm{ab}}$ and $C_{\rm{ba}}$. This synthesizing stage preserves the true source identity and target attributes based on Face Reenactment, Multi-Band Blending, and Face Reshaping.


Then based on the cycle relationship, for face swapping training stage, we use fake images as inputs while real images as pixel-level supervisons $\Gamma$, keeping the output domain close to the real and natural distribution and solving the non-supervision issue. In this way, the trainable face swapping network is guided to generate source identity-consistency swapping results, while also keeping target attributes.

More details can be found in our project page.


  1. Environment Preparation
  2. Training
  3. Testing
  4. Constructing Naive/Cycle Triplets by Yourself (Optional)



    title={ReliableSwap: Boosting General Face Swapping Via Reliable Supervision},
    author={Yuan, Ge and Li, Maomao and Zhang, Yong and Zheng, Huicheng},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.05356},

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