

TypeScript Quickly

This repository contains code samples from the book "TypeScript Quickly" by Yakov Fain and Anton Moiseev. This book is available at https://www.manning.com/books/typescript-quickly

The playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkKunJj_bZecSLIEeXEhUxD7e7aj7-fN3 has videos that illustrate some of the the book's materials.

Chapter 10 implements a notification server that communicates with the nodes vie the WebSockect protocol. To see it in action, run npm install and then npm start. After that, open your browser at localhost:3000.

To start the blockchain apps with the client in Angular, React, and Vue run npm install followed by these commands:

Angular<br/> Server: npm start<br/> Client: npm start<br/> Open your browser at localhost:4200<br/>

React<br/> Server: npm start<br/> Client: npm start<br/> Open your browser at localhost:3001<br/>

Vue<br/> Server: npm start<br/> Client: npm run serve<br/> Open your browser at localhost:8080<br/>

The code of the blockchain projects was tested with the package versions specified in the respective package.json files. Upgrading any of the packages may break the code.