


Enable your Qt Windows applications with fancy QGtkStyle by just a few copy-and-paste! DO NOT have to recompile anything!


Qt-Designer rendered with fancy Nodoka-Midnight qtdesignerwithnodokamidnight

WingIDE, a famous Python IDE developed by PyQt, rendered with GTK theme Murrian Chrome wingidewithmurrinachrome


  1. Unzip zip/GTK_2_10_WIN32.zip, add its /bin to %PATH
  2. For Qt4, Unzip zip/qt-opensource-windows-[arch]-[vcver]-[qtver].zip, overwrite your existed QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll with the ones in the zipball
  3. For Qt5, Unzip zip/qt-opensource-windows-[arch]-[vcver]-[qtver].zip, overwrite your existed QtWidgets5.dll with the one in the zipball

Enable Gtk Style

For applications either developed by you or not, use one of these:

You may a qt developer and may want select GTK theme inside your code:

Development of This project

Required by LGPL v2.0, the source code of hacked qt-gtkstyle are also provided. Suggest re-compiling:

For Qt4

For Qt5