

Popset is a vim plugin to Pop selections for operation, which will be convinient for setting vim options, executing function with args and so on. Popset is implementated with popc.

For vim-plug, add to your .vimrc:

Plug 'yehuohan/popc'        " Must add before popset
Plug 'yehuohan/popset'

<h2 id="3">Command Usage</h2> <h3 id="3.1">PopSet</h3>

There is only one command PopSet, which is similar to set command, in popset. What can be set by PopSet is all in popset internal data.

<div align="center"> <img alt="Popset" src="popset.gif" width=75% height=75% /> </div>
"   {
"       'opt' : string-list
"       'lst' : string-list
"       'dic' : string-dict or sub-dict
"       'dsr' : string or funcref or lambda
"       'cpl' : 'completion' used same to input()
"       'cmd' : function-name or funcref or lambda
"       'get' : function-name or funcref or lambda
"       'evt' : function-name or funcref or lambda
"       'sub' : common dictionary of 'lst', 'dsr', 'cpl', 'cmd', 'get', 'evt' for sub-selection
"   }

let g:Popset_SelectionData = [
        \ "opt" : ["filetype", "ft"],
        \ "lst" : ["cpp", "c", "python", "vim", "markdown", "text"],
        \ "dic" : {
                \ "python" : "python script file",
                \ "vim": "Vim script file",
                \ },
        \ "dsr" : 'When this option is set, the FileType autocommand event is triggered.',
        \ "cpl" : 'filetype',
        \ "cmd" : "SetEqual",
        \ "get" : "GetValue"
function! SetEqual(sopt, arg)
    execute "set " . a:sopt . "=" . a:arg
function! GetValue(sopt)
    return eval("&".a:sopt)

opt: opt is the option name list. opt[0] should be fullname of the option, and opt[1:-1] can be the shortname for opt[0] if existed. Popset will take two options as the same option when "opt[0]" is equal. If the opt your add had been existed in popset, popset would only append the lst and dic but not override the existed one.

lst: lst is the selection list of the opt.

dic: dic is a description or sub-selection, who's key is from lst.

dsr: dsr is the description of opt. If its type is funcref or lambda, it must return a string of description. Function is in format 'func(opt)'.

cpl: cpl is completion for input selection value.

cmd: cmd is a callback which execute with args of opt and the selected item of lst. In the example code, the SetEqual will function as set filtype=cpp if you choose the selenction cpp from lst. Function signature is 'func(opt, sel)'.

get: get is a function used to get the value of opt. Function signature is 'func(opt)'.

evt: evt is callable function to reponses to selection events with signature 'func(event_name, ...)'

sub: sub is a dictionary used to supply common lst, dsr, cpl, cmd, get, evt for sub-selection.

:PopSet popset

All the surpported options is according to vim-help-doc.

<h2 id="4">Function Usage</h2> <h3 id="4.1">PopSelection</h3>

PopSelection(dict) is used to pop selections with given dict. The dict is similar to g:Popset_SelectionData, but NOT belong to popset internal data.

dict must be in the format:

"   {
"       'opt' : string-list or string
"       'lst' : string-list
"       'dic' : string-dict or sub-dict
"       'dsr' : string or funcref or lambda
"       'cpl' : 'completion' used same to input()
"       'cmd' : function-name or funcref or lambda
"       'get' : function-name or funcref or lambda
"       'evt' : function-name or funcref or lambda
"       'sub' : common dictionary of 'lst', 'dsr', 'cpl', 'cmd', 'get', 'evt' for sub-selection
"   }

opt: Descriptiong of selection which is NOT requeried be different from each other. When it's list, opt[0] is used.

lst, dic, dsr, cpl, cmd, get, sub, evt: Similar to used in popset internal data.

Note that evt is also a common response for sub-selection. And it can be override with evt of sub.

let s:menu = {
    \ "opt" : ["Which action to execute?"],
    \ "lst" : ["new file", "open file"],
    \ "dic" : {
            \ "new file" : {
                \ "opt" : ["menu new file"],
                \ "lst" : ["a.py", "b.vim"],
                \ "dsr" : "create new file",
                \ "cmd" : {sopt, arg -> execute(":e " . arg)}
                \ },
            \ "open file" : {
                \ "opt" : ["menu open file"],
                \ "lst" : ["c.py", "d.vim"],
                \ "dsr" : "open existed file",
                \ "cmd" : {sopt, arg -> execute(":e " . arg)}
                \ }
            \ },
    \ }
" show selection
call PopSelection(s:menu)
<div align="center"> <img alt="use" src="use.gif" width=75% height=75% /> </div>
<h2 id="5">Help doc</h2>

More help about popset please see popset.txt and popc.txt