


SIGUA (Stochastic Integrated Gradient Underweighted Ascent) is a robust optimization technique for training models in label noises. This method applies gradient descent on good data (possibly clean data) as usual, and learning-rate-reduced gradient ascent on bad data (possibly noisy data).

Paper: SIGUA: Forgetting May Make Learning with Noisy Labels More Robust (https://proceedings.icml.cc/static/paper_files/icml/2020/705-Paper.pdf)


  1. Install requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Preprocessing (build noisy data)
python main.py \
    --run_mode preprocess \
    --noise_prob 0.5 \
    --noise_type sym \
    --dataset MNIST
  1. Training
python main.py \
    --run_mode train \
    --model sigua \
    --num_gradual 5 \
    --bad_weight 0.001 \
    --tau 0.5
    --lr 0.001 \
    --batch_size 256 \
    --num_class 10

Experiments on MNIST (Image)

Performance results

Settings / ModelsCNN (reproduce, standard)CNN (paper, standard)CNN (reproduce, SIGUA)CNN (paper, SIGUA)
Sym (ε = 20%)98.3%-98.86%98.91%
Sym (ε = 50%)94.3%-98.38%98.10%

Experiments on TREC (Text)

Performance results

Settings / ModelsTextCNN (reproduce, standard)TextCNN (reproduce, SIGUA)
Sym (ε = 20%)80.36%84.45%
Sym (ε = 50%)41.9%80.79%

Original code repository
