

TokenUnify: Scalable Autoregressive Visual Pre-training with Mixture Token Prediction (Under review)

This repository contains the official implementation of the paper TokenUnify: Scalable Autoregressive Visual Pre-training with Mixture Token Prediction. It provides all the experimental settings and source code used in our research. The paper also includes theoretical proofs. For more details, please refer to our original paper.

<div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="framework1.png" alt="The pipeline of our proposed methods" width="80%" /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="framework2.png" alt="The network details of our proposed methods" width="80%" /> </div> <!-- <details> <summary>Visitor Count</summary> <img src="https://komarev.com/ghpvc/?username=ydchen0806&repo=TokenUnify" alt="Visitor Count"> </details> -->

Environment Setup

To streamline the setup process, we provide a Docker image that can be used to set up the environment with a single command. The Docker image is available at:

sudo docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mybitahub/large_model:mamba0224_ydchen

Dataset Download

The datasets required for pre-training and segmentation are as follows:

Dataset TypeDataset NameDescriptionURL
Pre-training DatasetLarge EM Datasets of Various Brain RegionsFly brain dataset for pre-trainingEM Pretrain Dataset
Segmentation DatasetCREMI DatasetChallenge on circuit reconstruction datasetsCREMI Dataset
Segmentation DatasetAC3/AC4 AC3/AC4 DatasetMouse Brain GoogleDrive
Segmentation DatasetMECA new neuron segmentation datasetRat Brain (Published after paper acceptance)

To use this dataset, please refer to the license provided here.

License (Important !!!)

<details> <summary>Usage Notes</summary>

Before the public release of the data, the following usage restrictions must be met:

  1. Non-commercial Use: Users do not have the rights to copy, distribute, publish, or use the data for commercial purposes or develop and produce products. Any format or copy of the data is considered the same as the original data. Users may modify the content and convert the data format as needed but are not allowed to publish or provide services using the modified or converted data without permission.

  2. Research Purposes Only: Users guarantee that the authorized data will only be used for their own research and will not share the data with third parties in any form.

  3. Citation Requirements: Research results based on the authorized data, including books, articles, conference papers, theses, policy reports, and other publications, must cite the data source according to citation norms, including the authors and the publisher of the data.

  4. Prohibition of Profit-making Activities: Users are not allowed to use the authorized data for any profit-making activities.

  5. Termination of Data Use: Users must terminate all use of the data and destroy the data (e.g., completely delete from computer hard drives and storage devices/spaces) upon leaving their team or organization or when the authorization is revoked by the copyright holder.

Data Information

Acknowledgment Norms


Usage Guide

1. Pretraining (Pretraining TokenUnify with 8 nodes)

bash src/run_mamba_mae_AR.sh

2. Pretraining (Pretraining TokenUnify with 32 nodes)

bash src/launch_huge.sh

3. Finetuning

bash src/run_mamba_seg.sh


1. Scaling law of TokenUnify

<div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="results1.png" alt="Scaling Law of TokenUnify" width="80%" /> </div>

2. Main Results

<div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="results2.png" alt="Main Results of TokenUnify" width="80%" /> </div>

3. Visual Results

<div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="visual_results.png" alt="Visual Results of TokenUnify" width="80%" /> </div>

To-Do List


If you find this code or dataset useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

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