

<p align="center"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg?maxAge=2592000" alt="license"> <a href="https://travis-ci.org/ijacquez/libyaul"> <img src="https://travis-ci.org/ijacquez/libyaul.svg?branch=master" alt="build status"> </a> </p>

Yet Another Useless [Saturn] Library

<p align="center"> <img width="460" height="300" src=".images/logo.png"> </p>

Yaul is an open source development kit for the SEGA Saturn. The SDK as a whole aims to minimize the painful experience that is developing for the Saturn by providing lightweight abstractions between your program and the hardware.

Pre-installation requirements


If MSYS2 is not installed on your system, download the installer from the MSYS2 web page and follow the instructions here.

Once MSYS2 is installed, install the following packages via the pacman package manager:

pacman -S \
git make gcc wget unzip zip p7zip diffutils dos2unix patch tar


Verify that the following packages are installed.


Verify that the following packages are installed (via Brew):

brew install make gcc wget unzip zip p7zip diffutils dos2unix gpatch

Installing the tool-chain

There are two options, downloading a prebuilt tool-chain, or building from source.

Download pre-built

A prebuilt tool-chain can be downloaded in Downloads. Create a directory tool-chain and extract the contents of the archive into it. For Windows users, the tool-chain must reside under the MSYS2 system root path (i.e. C:\msys64). Take note of the absolute path to the tool-chain.

Build from source

If building from source, follow the instructions found in the build-scripts directory. Take note of the absolute path to the tool-chain.

Building Yaul

  1. Initialize and update all submodules.

    $ git submodule init
    $ git submodule update -f --recursive
  2. Copy the template yaul.env.in to your home directory as .yaul.env. This is your environment file.

  3. Open .yaul.env in a text editor and change the following to define your environment:

    1. Set the absolute path to the tool-chain in INSTALL_ROOT.
    2. Set the absolute path to where the libyaul source tree is located in BUILD_ROOT.
    3. Set the type of development cart you own in OPTION_DEV_CARTRIDGE. If none, set to 0 (zero).

    Setting the wrong values may result in compilation errors.

  4. Read the environment file .yaul.env into your current shell.

    $ source ~/.yaul.env
  5. Reading the environment file needs to be done every time a new shell is opened. To avoid having to do this every time, add the line below to your shell's startup file.

    $ echo 'source ~/.yaul.env' >> ~/.bash_profile

    If .bash_profile is not used, use .profile instead. This is dependent on your set up.

  6. Build and install the supported libraries.

    $ SILENT=1 make install-release

    If any given library is being debugged, use the install-debug target instead. Either release or debug can currently be installed at one time. It's possible to switch between the two in the same installation.

    To find more about other targets, call make list-targets.

  7. Build and install the tools.

    $ SILENT=1 make install-tools

Building and running an example

You can now build any of the given examples in the libyaul-examples submodule.