

Can LMs Learn New Entities from Descriptions? Challenges in Propagating Injected Knowledge

This repository contains the data and code for the baseline described in the following paper:

Entity Cloze By Date: What LMs Know About Unseen Entities <br/> Yasumasa Onoe, Michael J.Q. Zhang, Shankar Padmanabhan, Greg Durrett, Eunsol Choi<br/> ACL 2023

Getting Started

This codebase uses Python 3.7.9. Other versions may work as well.


$ conda create -n ekp -y python=3.7.9
$ conda activate ekp
(ekp) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


Running experiments

From the root dir, run an experiment python file.


(ekp) $ python experiments/gpt_ft.py
ExperimentBase ModelEditing MethodData
gpt_ft_ecbd.pyGPT2-XL or GPT-Neo 1.3BFinetuningECBD
gpt_ft_entity_inferences.pyGPT2-XL or GPT-Neo 1.3BFinetuningEntity Inferences
gpt_mend_entity_inferences.pyGPT2-XLMENDEntity Inferences
t5_ft_entity_inferences.pyT5-LargeFinetuningEntity Inferences
t5_mend_entity_inferences.pyT5-LargeMENDEntity Inferences

NOTE: ROME with GPT2-XL will be added soon...

Citing the paper

    title = {{Can LMs Learn New Entities from Descriptions? Challenges in Propagating Injected Knowledge}},
    author = "Onoe, Yasumasa  and
      Zhang, Michael  and
      Padmanabhan, Shankar  and
      Durrett, Greg  and
      Choi, Eunsol",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.300",
    pages = "5469--5485",


Please contact at yasumasa@utexas.edu or yasumasaonoe@google.com if you have any questions.