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Kanban App for the terminal written in rust

This kanban app will allow the user to be more productive by prioritizing tasks and achieving goals faster


I am new to rust and wanted to learn the language in a project-oriented manner, feel free to drop feedback on my code😁. Another reason for building a TUI is that I spend the majority of my time in the terminal whether it is testing or running code or writing code in neovim. I haven't been able to find any other alternatives so I have started to make my own!


Feel free to make a pull request or make a new issue, I am open to suggestions ✌️ ** I currently do not own a Mac so I am unable to test the app on Mac, if you can test it on Mac, please let me know if there are any issues.


Completed Features

Known Issues

PSA (i.e. Public service announcement)

<li>Cloud saves are now encrypted. Please keep your generated key safe. It is usually located in "config/rust_kanban/kanban_encryption_key" after signing up. If you lose your key, you will not be able to access your data (I Cannot see your data nor edit it/decrypt it). If you have lost your key, you will have to delete your data after logging in and generate a new key using the -g flag.</li> <li>If you are not feeling safe to store your key on disk you can also provide the generated key with the --encryption-key flag when starting the app. This will allow you to store your key in a password manager or a file that is not on disk. by copying the generated key from the key location and deleting it thereafter</li> <li>linux example : rust-kanban --encryption-key $(cat ~/.config/rust_kanban/kanban_encryption_key)</li>

How to use

Default Keybindings

'Ctrl + c' or 'q'Quit
'Tab'Next Focus
'BackTab'Previous Focus
'Up'Move Up
'Down'Move Down
'Right'Move Right
'Left'Move Left
'i'Take User Input (when filling out a form)
'Insert'Exit user input mode
'h'Hide UI Element
'Ctrl + s'Save State
'b'New Board
'n'New Card
'd'Delete Card
'D' or 'Shift + d'Delete Board
'1'Change Card Status to Completed
'2'Change Card Status to Active
'3'Change Card Status to Stale
'4'Change Card Priority to High
'5'Change Card Priority to Medium
'6'Change Card Priority to Low
'r'Reset UI to Default
'm'Go to Main Menu
'Ctrl + p'Toggle Command Palette
'Esc'Go to Previous UI Mode
't'Clear Toast Messages
'Mouse Left Click'Select UI Element
'Mouse Middle Click'Open Command Palette
'Mouse Right Click'Go to Previous UI Mode
'Mouse Scroll Up'Scroll Up Cards
'Mouse Scroll Down'Scroll Down Cards (for cards)
'Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up'Scroll to the right (for boards)
'Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Down'Scroll to the left (for boards)
'Ctrl + z'Undo
'Ctrl + y'Redo

Available Themes