

<section align="center"> <h3> <img src="/public/vite.svg" width="100" style="border-radius:1rem" alt="Logo"/><br/> Minime </h3> Streamlined. Stylish. Simple.


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✨ Overview

Experience a clean and modern design that enhances your browsing experience. This web-app is your gateway to the web, keeping everything simple yet functional. Minime is tailored for those who value minimalism and efficiency in their online interactions.

Key Features

Join the Minimalist Revolution!

Embrace simplicity and focus on what truly matters. Start your browsing journey here, where less is truly more!

How to Use Minime

Option 1: Set as New Tab (Recommended)

For Chrome:

  1. Install the Custom New Tab URL extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Set the Custom New Tab URL to open Minime app using link: https://yashchaudhari008.github.io/minime/.

For Firefox:

  1. Install the Custom New Tab Page extension.
  2. In the extension settings, enable Force links to open in the top frame (experimental).
  3. Enter Minime app link: https://yashchaudhari008.github.io/minime/ in the New Tab URL box.

Option 2: Set as Home Page

For Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome’s Settings.
  2. Scroll to the On startup section.
  3. Select Open a specific page or set of pages.
  4. Click Add a new page and enter minime app link ( https://yashchaudhari008.github.io/minime/).

For Firefox:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Home section.
  3. Under Homepage and new windows, select Custom URLs from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter your GitHub Pages link. Done! 💻

🏃‍ Running Locally (For Developers)

Make sure you have node.js (v20 recommended) and yarn installed.

  1. Clone the repository and open the project folder:

    git clone https://github.com/yashchaudhari008/minime.git
  2. Install the node packages using yarn:

    yarn install
  3. Run the development server:

    yarn dev
  4. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5173/minime/ to view the app.

Recommended VS Code Extensions

🤝 Contributing

Explore open issues to work on here.
If you found a bug or have a suggestion, create a new issue.

🔼 Instructions

  1. Find or create an issue to work on.
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Create a new branch from the main branch using one of the following formats:
    • For new features: feat-[feature-name] (e.g., feat-add-login)
    • For bug fixes: fix-[bug-name] (e.g., fix-header-crash)
  4. Make and test your changes.
  5. Commit your changes.
  6. Submit a PR with a clear title and link the issue in the PR description.
  7. Wait for your PR to be reviewed ✔.

✅ Guidelines

❌ Please Note: Bad Pull Requests Will Not Be Accepted!

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<a href="https://github.com/yashchaudhari008/minime/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=yashchaudhari008/minime" /> </a> </section> <br /> <p align="center">Thanks for being awesome! Keep contributing. ✌</p>