


TypeLint is an ESlint plugin for static type checking in JavaScript, based on JSDoc.

Every application manages data, which is usually described in some way.

For example:

Mission of TypeLint is to provide complex type checking, based on already described data structures of your app.


<img src="https://image.ibb.co/f2bsWQ/typelint.gif" width="600"/>

See also Typelint example project


npm i eslint eslint-plugin-typelint

If you use eslint globally, you should install typelint globally as well.

Put typelint to eslint plugins array and add rule typelint/typelint

Supported types declarations

All types are compatible with JSDoc and Closure Compiler. See http://eslint.org/doctrine/demo/ for examples

Type definitions

Redux state

Redux is a popular store for React apps.

It describes the state shape as a composition of reducers.

Dealing with a big and deeply nested store it's easy to make mistakes with access to a wrong property.

Typelint constructs the Redux schema, based on initial values of reducers, detecting types of end values.

To use it, just add the redux option to settings.typelint.models section of .eslintrc with path to your root reducer:

"settings": {
  "typelint": {
    "models": {
      "redux": {
        "reducerPath": "./src/client/redux/reducer.js"
    "useCache":  true

After that you can use a new typelint type <ReduxState> in JSDoc comments.


TypeLint supports JSON Schema for describing data interfaces.

JSON Schema is advanced, popular and well documented format for describing JSON data.

For example if you use Swagger for API, you already have JSON Schema definitions, that you can use.

To bind your models to TypeLint, put the json option to settings.typelint.models section of your .eslintrc:

  "settings": {
    "typelint": {
      "models": {
        "json": {
          "dir": "./models",
          "exclude": ["wrong_dir"]

When mentioned "dir" option, models are expected as files, where each of them contains one definition. Name of the file is a name of the model. When "swagger" option is used instead of "dir", the particular path is expected as a Swagger schema with "definitions" section. See Swagger docs for more information.

Supported formats:

Additional features


Adapters can be used for transforming schemas from one format to another. For example:

"json": {
  "dir": "./models",
  "exclude": ["wrong_dir"],
  "adapters": ["./node_modules/eslint-plugin-typelint/adapters/to-camel-case"]

There are two already existed adapters: to-camel-case and to-snake-case. They appropriately convert fields of schema. You can write your own adapters, using the same interface.


If you use WebStorm/PHPStorm 2016, all TypeLint types are available for autocomplete. Just run in your working directory:

cp node_modules/eslint-plugin-typelint/jsonSchemas.xml .idea/

What it is and what it is not

TypeLint is a helper, but not a full-fledged typed system for js.

If you want to make your code 100% typed, please use any of existing static typed languages, which can be transpiled to JavaScript (TypeScript, Flow etc)

The purpose of TypeLint is to help developer avoid undefined errors, but optionally and staying all the speed and flexibility of pure JavaScript developement.

BTW TypeLint was written with help of TypeLint 😊️

All .eslinrc typelint settings options

Planned features


Article "Optional typing in JavaScript without transpilers"

Type features comparison: Haskell, TypeScript, Flow, JSDoc, JSON Schema



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