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YapImageManager supports CocoaPods for easy installation. Below is a sample podfile.

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'YapImageManager', '~> 1.0.2'


Requesting a full-sized image

Below is an example of how to request a full-sized, decoded image and set the image response on a UIImageView.

  YapImageManager.sharedInstance.asyncImage(forURLString: URLString) { [weak self] response in
    if let image = response.image {
      self?.imageView.image = image

Requesting an image of a specific maximum size

Below is an example of how to fetch a decoded image of a specific size and set the image response on a UIImageView. Requesting an image size that matches the bounds of your UIImageView can increase scrolling performance but avoiding a resize on the GPU. Decoded and sized images are cached in memory, reducing CPU time.

  YapImageManager.sharedInstance.asyncImage(forURLString: URLString, size: self.bounds.size) { [weak self] response in
    if let image = response.image {
      self?.imageView.image = image

Requesting an image with a ticket for cancellation

Requesting an image with a ticket is important for use in a UITableView or UICollectionView with recycling cells. When a cell is recycled, cancelling the ticket ensures that a prior image request will not complete and update the image of a new cell with a different image request. It also will improve performance by cancelling any unneeded download requests for cells that are no longer visible during fast scrolling. Below is an example.

Add the ticket member variable to your class...

private var ticket: ImageRequestTicket?

Request the image, saving the ticket...

  ticket = YapImageManager.sharedInstance.asyncImage(forURLString: URLString, size: self.bounds.size) { [weak self] response in
    if response.ticket == self?.ticket {
      self?.ticket = nil
      if let image = response.image {
        self?.imageView.image = image

In prepareForReuse, cancel the ticket...

  override func prepareForReuse() {
    if let ticket = self.ticket {
      YapImageManager.sharedInstance.cancelImageRequest(forTicket: ticket)
      self.ticket = nil

Below is the example output.

Sized Images

Requesting an image with filters

To render an image with one or more image filters, simply pass an array of YapImageFilter in the request. YapImageManager has the following built-in filters:

You can create your own custom filters by adopting the protocol YapImageFilter.

Below is an example of adding a gradient overlay to an image. When using filters, be sure at least one filter renders the original image, for example using YapAspectFillFilter.

  let filters: [YapImageFilter] = [YapAspectFillFilter(), YapGradientFilter(startColor: UIColor.black.withAlphaComponent(0.5), endColor: .clear)]
  YapImageManager.sharedInstance.asyncImage(forURLString: URLString, size: self.bounds.size, filters: filters) { [weak self] response in
    if let image = response.image {
      self?.imageView.image = image

Below is the example output.

Sized Images with Gradient

To render a new image, for example a gradient

To render a new image using filters, use the createImage method passing in the desired size and an array of YapImageFilter. The following example generates a simple overlay gradient.

  let red = UIColor(red: 0.93, green:0.09, blue:0.31, alpha:1.0)
  let gradient = YapGradientFilter(startColor: red, endColor: .clear)    
  YapImageManager.sharedInstance.createImage(withSize: self.bounds.size, filters: [gradient]) { [weak self] image in
    self?.imageView.image = image

Below is the example output.

Gradient Images


YapImageManager is owned and maintained by Yap Studios.