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Dump Redis keys to a file. Similar in spirit to https://www.npmjs.com/package/redis-dump and https://github.com/delano/redis-dump but:

Warning: like similar tools, Redis-dump-go does NOT provide Point-in-Time backups. Please use Redis backups methods when possible.



Download the appropriate version for your operating system on ŧhe release page, or use the Docker image:

$ docker run ghcr.io/yannh/redis-dump-go:latest -h
Usage of /redis-dump-go:

Bandwidth costs: Redis-dump-go is hosted on on Github Container Registry which is currently in Beta. During that period, bandwidth is free. After that period, a Github Account might be required / bandwidth costs might be applicable.


$ ./bin/redis-dump-go -h
Usage of ./bin/redis-dump-go:
  -batchSize int
        HSET/RPUSH/SADD/ZADD only add 'batchSize' items at a time (default 1000)
  -db uint
        only dump this database (default: all databases)
  -filter string
        Key filter to use (default "*")
  -host string
        Server host (default "")
  -n int
        Parallel workers (default 10)
        Use KEYS * instead of SCAN - for Redis <=2.8
  -output string
        Output type - can be resp or commands (default "resp")
  -port int
        Server port (default 6379)
  -s    Silent mode (disable logging of progress / stats)
        Preserve Keys TTL (default true)

$ ./bin/redis-dump-go > dump.resp
Database 0: 9 element dumped
Database 1: 1 element dumped

For password-protected Redis servers, set the shell variable REDISDUMPGO_AUTH:

$ export REDISDUMPGO_AUTH=myRedisPassword
$ redis-dump-go


Given a correctly configured Go environment:

$ go get github.com/yannh/redis-dump-go
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/yannh/redis-dump-go
$ go test ./...
$ go install

Importing the data

redis-cli --pipe < redis-backup.txt

Release Notes & Gotchas