

MVP starter

A Node.js, TypeScript & postgres SQL starter built upon Adonis JS framework, with ready-to-use users management system, to focus on building your new ideas.

🔋 Batteries included:

<img src="https://github.com/yann-yinn/adonis-starter/blob/main/screen.png"/>



# Check your node version
node -v
# Check your npm version
npm -v

# Clone the repo
# stable branch, to start a new project
git clone -b main git@github.com:yann-yinn/adonis-starter.git
# If you want to contribute: clone dev branch instead of main.
# git clone -b dev git@github.com:yann-yinn/mvp-starter.git

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Configure your environment variables:
# 1) Generate your unique app id, you need this value for APP_KEY env var in .env.
node ace generate:key
# 2) copy env.example file to create a ".env" file
# edit the env file and set required env vars.
cp env.example .env

# Create postgres tables
 npm run migrate-up

# Launch dev server !
npm run dev


Fork dev branch and make a PR againts the dev branch.

Roles and Permissions

Adding new role

You can add new roles inside config/roles.ts file. By default, there is only "root", "admin" and "member" roles. Root role is special and MUST NOT be deleted. First created user became automatically a "root" user.

import { Role } from "App/types";

const roles: Role[] = [
  // root is a special role and has all authorizations.
    id: "root",
    label: "Root",
  // Member is the default role when someone creates a new account.
    id: "member",
    label: "Member",
  // Admin can create / delete users, except the root user.
    id: "admin",
    label: "Administrator",
export default roles;

Definining authorizations

MVP starter is using "bouncers" from Adonis JS framework to define authorizations.

See start/bouncer.ts File for predefined authorizations or to add new authorizations.

Example bouncer: "Admin role can edit any post. Member can only edit their own posts":

.define("editPost", (user: User, post: Post) => {
  if (userHasRoles(["admin"], user)) {
    return true;
  if (userHasRoles(["member"], user) && user.id === post.userId) {
    return true;
  return false;

Then, in your controller, use the defined bouncer like so (don't forget the await keyword!)

public async edit({ view, request, bouncer }: HttpContextContract) {
  const entity = await this.entityModel.findOrFail(request.param("id"));
  await bouncer.authorize("editPost", entity);
  // etc

You can control authorizations in the templates too:

@can('editPost', entity)
  <a href="{{entity._editLink}}">Edit</a> </td>

See adonis docs on "bouncers" for more details: https://docs.adonisjs.com/guides/authorization



Fix SSL issue in development with postgres hosted with Heroku: configure rejectUnauthorized in your config/database.ts config file.

// config/database.ts
connections: {
  pg: {
    client: "pg",
    connection: {
      ssl: {
        rejectUnauthorized: Env.get("NODE_ENV") === "production" ? true : false,
      // ...
