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Build your dream team with Autogen

This repo helps you to build a team of AI agents, this code is setting up a system of agents using the autogen library. The agents include a human admin, an AI Developer, a planner, an executor, and a quality assurance agent. Each agent is configured with a name, a role, and specific behaviors or responsibilities.


:tada: November 18, 2024: we are porting this repo to Autogen 0.4, A new event driven, asynchronous architecture for AutoGen and Magentic One


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/yanivvak/dream-team.git  

Navigate to the project directory

cd src 

Set up a virtual environment (Preferred)

python -m venv dream

Once you’ve created a virtual environment, you may activate it.

On Windows, run:


On Unix or MacOS, run:

source dream/bin/activate

To deactivate :


More information about virtual environments can be found here

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/autogen.git 
cd autogen/python/packages/autogen-magentic-one
pip install -e .
playwright install --with-deps chromium

Update credentials

Magentic-One code uses code execution, you need to have Docker installed to run any examples


streamlit run app.py