

Embedded PostgreSQL Server

Maven Central Build status Windows build status

Embedded PostgreSQL server provides a platform neutral way for running postgres binaries in unittests. This library is based on Flapdoodle OSS's embed process.

Note: this project is not being actively maintained anymore

Sorry for any inconvinience, but this project needs active maintainers. If anyone is interested in becoming the maintainer - please let me (@smecsia) know.

Officially recommended alternative

Please be adviced that the main maintainer of this project has successfuly migrated to the use of Test Containers project. This is the best possible alternative nowadays.



Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:



Add a line to build.gradle:

compile 'ru.yandex.qatools.embed:postgresql-embedded:2.10'


Here is the example of how to launch and use the embedded PostgreSQL instance

// starting Postgres
final EmbeddedPostgres postgres = new EmbeddedPostgres(V9_6);
// predefined data directory
// final EmbeddedPostgres postgres = new EmbeddedPostgres(V9_6, "/path/to/predefined/data/directory");
final String url = postgres.start("localhost", 5432, "dbName", "userName", "password");

// connecting to a running Postgres and feeding up the database
final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE films (code char(5));");
conn.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO films VALUES ('movie');");

// ... or you can execute SQL files...
//postgres.getProcess().importFromFile(new File("someFile.sql"))
// ... or even SQL files with PSQL variables in them...
//postgres.getProcess().importFromFileWithArgs(new File("someFile.sql"), "-v", "tblName=someTable")
// ... or even restore database from dump file
//postgres.getProcess().restoreFromFile(new File("src/test/resources/test.binary_dump"))

// performing some assertions
final Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
assertThat(statement.execute("SELECT * FROM films;"), is(true));
assertThat(statement.getResultSet().next(), is(true));
assertThat(statement.getResultSet().getString("code"), is("movie"));

// close db connection
// stop Postgres

Note that EmbeddedPostgres implements java.lang.AutoCloseable, which means that you can use it with a try-with-resources statement (in Java >= 7) to have it automatically stopped.

How to avoid archive extraction on every run

You can specify the cached artifact store to avoid archives downloading and extraction (in case if a directory remains on every run).

final EmbeddedPostgres postgres = new EmbeddedPostgres();

How to configure logging

Just configure your own slf4j appenders. Here is the example of typical src/test/resources/log4j.properties file:

# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" for whole file
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout

# reduce logging for postgresql-embedded

# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

How to use your custom version of PostgreSQL

Pass the required IVersion interface implementation as a first argument of the EmbeddedPostgres object:

final EmbeddedPostgres postgres = new EmbeddedPostgres(() -> (IS_OS_WINDOWS) ? "9.6.2-2" : "9.6.2-1");

Known issues


initdb must be run as the user that will own the server process, because the server needs to have access to the files and directories that initdb creates. Since the server cannot be run as root, you must not run initdb as root either. (It will in fact refuse to do so.) (link).

However some users have launched it successfully on Windows under Administrator, so you can try anyway.

Supported Versions