

LNURL Daemon

LNURL Daemon is a minimalistic Lightning Address and LNURL self-hosted HTTP server. It is intended to run on your node and connect directly to your LND. You may test it by sending some sats to ⚡lnurld@yanas.cz or by scanning the following QR code:
LNURL-pay QR code

Supported features


LND is expected to run on the same machine and user bitcoin is assumed. You also need Go installed.

Build from source

$ git clone https://github.com/yanascz/lnurld.git
$ cd lnurld
$ go install
$ go build

Create config file

$ sudo mkdir /etc/lnurld
$ sudo cp config.yaml /etc/lnurld
$ sudo sed -i s/S3cr3t/$(openssl rand -base64 12 | tr / -)/ /etc/lnurld/config.yaml

Make sure to review the config file before running lnurld in production!

(Create image satoshi.png in /etc/lnurld/thumbnails if you want it served by lnurld.)

Create data directory

$ sudo mkdir /var/lib/lnurld
$ sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin /var/lib/lnurld

Account, event and raffle data will be stored there.

Run the server

$ ./lnurld

Alternatively with a custom config file path:

$ ./lnurld --config=/home/satoshi/.lnurld/cfg.yaml

Don’t forget to stop the server before setting up systemd service!

Setup systemd service

$ sudo cp lnurld /usr/local/bin
$ sudo cp systemd/lnurld.service /etc/systemd/system
$ sudo systemctl start lnurld.service
$ sudo systemctl enable lnurld.service

Now the service should be up and running, listening on configured host and port.

Setup reverse proxy

Example nginx configuration for domain nakamoto.example (replace with your own) with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate:

http {
    # general configuration omitted

    upstream lnurld {

    server {
        listen       443 ssl http2;
        listen       [::]:443 ssl http2;
        server_name  nakamoto.example;

        ssl_certificate      "/etc/letsencrypt/live/nakamoto.example/fullchain.pem";
        ssl_certificate_key  "/etc/letsencrypt/live/nakamoto.example/privkey.pem";
        ssl_session_cache    shared:lnurld:1m;

        proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Host $host;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://lnurld;

If you don’t have an SSL certificate, you can get one using Certbot.


Once configured and deployed, you shall be able to send sats to ⚡satoshi@nakamoto.example from your LN wallet. If you need to display a QR code, simply navigate to or share https://nakamoto.example/ln/pay/satoshi/qr-code. For a smaller/larger QR code, feel free to append desired size in pixels to the URL, e.g ?size=1024. This pattern applies to any configured account.

To see accessible accounts and to manage events/raffles, navigate to https://nakamoto.example/auth. You’ll need to authenticate using one of the configured username/password pairs. Account stats, QR code and/or payment terminal are accessible from the account’s detail page in the Accounts section at https://nakamoto.example/auth/accounts.

Events may be managed in the Events section at https://nakamoto.example/auth/events. Each created event may be shared with your friends, and they may sign up to attend the event once they authenticate using their LN wallet.

Raffles may be managed in the Raffles section at https://nakamoto.example/auth/raffles. Raffle QR code may be shared to allow anyone to purchase as many raffle tickets as they wish, increasing their chances. Once enough tickets are sold, i.e. at least the same number as there are prizes, you may start drawing winning tickets from the raffle’s detail page.

Once a raffle is drawn, received sats may be withdrawn to any LN wallet that supports LNURL-withdraw. However, you have to first configure path to a macaroon with invoices:read invoices:write offchain:read offchain:write permissions.


$ cd lnurld
$ git pull
$ ./systemd/deploy.sh

Alternatively checkout a specific branch/tag.

When updating from revision 4da3fcf or earlier, run this account migration in your data directory:

$ for f in *.csv*; do d=accounts/${f%.csv*}; sudo -u bitcoin mkdir -p $d; sudo mv $f $d/invoices.csv${f#*.csv}; done

When updating from revision ec77e80 or earlier, run this event migration in your data directory:

$ sudo sed -e 's/"dateTime":\("[^"]*"\)/"start":\1,"end":\1/' -i events/*/data.json

Then you might want to update end dates of your events via the admin user interface.